Shanghai Dentsu Aegis Corporate Office
位置: 上海
设计团队:PDM International
PDM International设计团队,为全球网络通讯公司Dentsu Aegis Network,在中国上海打造了一间新办公室。这里面积约200平米的墙壁上,爬满了绿色的植物,它们可以为室内带来充足的氧分子。大量使用的竹木地板,还有空气过滤系统,可以为大家提供PM 2.5的合格空气。设计师还使用了许多织物作为室内的装饰品。他们想用自然的阳光还有绿色的植物,为员工们提供一个安全舒适的工作环境。
大家都认为,就当今中国的环境和经济来看,打造出一个绿色环保的办公空间,不仅重要而且正确,特别是这个改造而来的办公室,是在很短时间内交付使用的,那环境健康问题就更加备受关注。那个有特色的Kaleidoscope楼梯,是PDM设计团队用夹层玻璃在现场加工制作而成的。更值得一提的是,设计师们使用的那些高科技产品,都是Dentsu Aegis Network为客户提供并且得到验证的成功典范。
PDM International has designed the new offices of global communications group Dentsu Aegis Network located in Shanghai, China.There were about 200m2 of high oxygen omitting plant walls. Lots of bamboo flooring and also PM2.5 air filtration systems. The fabrics were mainly woolen for upholstery.We always look to incorporate natural and green materials in our projects first and foremost and ensure the employees have a safe and well considered ecosystem as their workplace.
There are many facets in creating a sustainable office and ensuring this is communicated properly to the employees is very important in China, especially when they move in after a new renovation delivered to an aggressive schedule.The ‘Kaleidoscope Staircase’ manufactured on site by PDM with laminated glass represents the concept above.It was important that we harnessed technologies used by the various agencies that they promote to some of their clients.
上海Dentsu Aegis公司办公室室内实景图