

Moscow RD Construction Construction company office
位置:俄罗斯 莫斯科
设计团队:IND Office
IND Office设计团队为RD Construction建筑公司,在俄罗斯的莫斯科打造了一间新办公室。为工程承包商RD Construction建筑公司打造的这个办公室的主要设计理念,正是当下流行的-城市化、关注未来、以及创新。接待区那里的柱子上,有一个多媒体显示屏,套可以向来访的客人们播放公司之前承接,和计划将要承接的那些工程项目。接待处旁边就有一个会议室,这一点又仿佛是在告诉人们,作为一家现代化的公司,这里的工作方式同样也是快节奏的。
IND Office has developed the new offices of contractor RD Construction located in Moscow, Russia.The concept of the office for the building contractor RD Construction is based on the following catchwords — City, Future, and Innovation.A column with a media screen in the reception zone makes it possible to show company’s projects, including those planned in the future, to clients. The fact that one of the meeting rooms is located near the reception zone accentuates the image of a modern and fast-paced company too.
Apart from conventional offices for the management team, meeting rooms and the open space, there are small meeting points in the office that can be used for recreation or short meetings with colleagues. There is also a meeting room in the VIP zone where more informal meetings with clients and company’s management team can be held—cushioned furniture, diffused lighting, a bar counter, a fireplace, and heavy curtains create a cozy atmosphere for sitting back and discussing business in an “open collar“ manner.
莫斯科RD Construction建筑公司办公室室内实景图
莫斯科RD Construction建筑公司办公室平面图