

Italian Ruco Line flagship store
设计师:Jean Nouvel
位置:意大利 罗马
设计师Jean Nouvel从来不掩饰他对商业特许经营这种庸俗模式的排斥。从现有空间极具观赏性这一特点得到启发,他设计了这间位于意大利罗马的Ruco Line旗舰店。每个精品店的设计,他都会把重点放在产品的外部空间上,用着重的手法自然而然的衬托出产品本身的内涵。白色的石膏把这个外部空间无限的放大和突出。
用这种建筑形式的构造,也就是在金属杆制成的框架里摆着特制的造型,透视出旗舰店的特点。这样的特制造型定义着每一个空间,让周围的墙壁、地板和天花板,都自然的衬托着Ruco Line的鞋子和手袋。每个空间都因为这个造型而具有自己的特点,刻意展示出该品牌各种产品的精美高贵。带有品牌标识图案的高高的灯柱,在天花板上打出绚丽的色彩,这些都突出展示了每个店面独一无二的特性。
Jean Nouvel has often declared his hostility to the trivialising effects of commercial franchises. He draws inspiration from the ornamental features that characterise the existing spaces. In each boutique, he chooses to focus on the envelope, bringing out the original formal characteristics by amplifying them. The envelope is magnified and particularised through an envelope of white plaster.
In this form of revealed architecture, the scenography peculiar to each store is set up through the creation of “tableaux” based on frames of metal rods. These frames define each space, marking the walls as well as the floor and ceiling, and acting as supports for Ruco Line shoes and bags. Each space stages its own unique tableau, featuring Ruco Line products. Tall luminous totem poles shed bright white light that spreads over the ceiling, highlighting the formal singularity of each store.
意大利Ruco Line旗舰店室内实景图
意大利Ruco Line旗舰店室内局部实景图
意大利Ruco Line旗舰店外部实景图