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LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室

2019/12/21 16:51:54
设计机构 : HiD (广州市行铭室内设计工程有限公司深圳分公司)
LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室-3
LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室-8
项目公司介绍:LEGO,中文名乐高,创立于1932年,公司位于丹麦,至今已有87年的发展历史,追本溯源,还得从它的金字招牌LEGO说起。商标“LEGO”的使用是从1932年开始,其语来自丹麦语“LEg GOdt”,意为“play well”(玩得快乐),并且该名字首先迅速成为乐高公司在Billund地区玩具工厂生产的优质玩具的代名词。
LEGO, the Chinese name of LEGO, was founded in 1932. The company is located in Denmark and has 87 years of development history. To trace its origins, we have to start with its golden character LEGO. The trademark "LEGO" has been in use since 1932, and its language comes from the Danish "LEg GOdt", which means "play well" (playing well), and the name first quickly became a high-quality product made by Lego in the toy factory in Billund. Synonymous with toys.
设计理念:既然要“play well”(玩得快乐),那么就将该理念延伸至每个角落。整个办公区域拥有各自不同的独特主题及颜色的搭配运用。还将乐高的品牌元素融入到空间中,其乐高艺术灯具,趣味的主题图案的运用,更强调了产品设计的重要性。灵动多元的设计让整个空间可以迅速在多个功能之间相互切换,满足大型活动及团队的休闲娱乐等。“全新的工作模式、及交流方式”,员工可自主选择自己的工作环境,激发创造性。亦符合乐高对产品的创新追求及“最大参与度”的设计理念,以促进团队协作、创造、趣味等乐高自身的品牌效应和历史意义。
Now that you want to "play well", you extend that idea to every corner. The entire office area has its own unique themes and colors. It also integrates the Lego brand elements into the space. The use of Lego artistic lamps and fun themed patterns emphasizes the importance of product design. The flexible and diversified design allows the entire space to quickly switch between multiple functions to meet large-scale events and team entertainment. "New work modes and communication methods", employees can choose their own work environment and stimulate creativity. It is also in line with Lego ’s pursuit of product innovation and the “maximum engagement” design concept, in order to promote teamwork, creativity, fun and other Lego's own brand effects and historical significance.
LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室-13
LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室-14
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LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室-22
LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室-23
LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室-24
LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室-25
LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室-26
LEGO 乐高集团位于中国深圳的最新办公室-27
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