

奥斯特洛夫斯基曾说:幸福,就在于创造新的生活。而在某种意义上,GLD绿檀设计始终相信新的生活有赖于一个舒适的空间,从功能、美学、体验上都能满足人的需求。Ostrovsky once said: happiness, is to create a new life. In a sense, GLD Greenwood Design always believes that a new life depends on a comfortable space that can meet peoples needs in terms of function, aesthetics and experience.
客厅空间大气沉稳又不乏时尚气质的家具陈设与硬装的干净自然配合地天衣无缝,局部的爱马仕橙跃于主调高级灰之上,精致优雅感以一种自然克制的方式得以呈现。电视背景墙设计精致大方,采用整幅的大理石作为背景,嵌入式电视机与墙面融为一体,运用悬空的台面代替电视柜,看起来更轻盈简约,又同时具备电视柜的收纳功能。The living room space is composed and there is no lack of stylish furniture furnishings and the clean and natural hard outfit are perfectly matched. The local Hermes orange is rising above the high ash in the main tone. The delicate sense of elegance is presented in a natural and restrained way.TV setting wall design is delicate and easy, use whole marble as background, embedded television and metope are in harmony, use suspended mesa to replace TV ark, look more lighthearted and contracted, have TV ark at the same time receive a function.
餐厅空间将精致的优雅融入到生活的柴米油盐中,同时也要诗和远方,当下即是最好的时刻。嗅一鼻食物的清香,品一口红酒的甘醇,时光自在从容。Restaurant space will be refined into the elegance of life, do not need what poetry and distance, the moment is the best moment. Smell a nose of food fragrance, taste a mouthful of red wine glycol, time leisurely.
长辈房素雅黑白灰的基调上,附上温馨的爱马仕橙,柔和的灯光布置,触感柔软的布艺,均清中带雅,营造静谧舒适的睡眠环境。阳光透入,勾勒出从容而协调的氛围,让人在这里找到舒适和安逸。On the basic key of simple but elegant black and white gray of the elder room, the warm Hermes orange is attached, the soft lamplight is arranged, the soft cloth art that feels soft, all take elegant in Qing Zhong, build quiet and comfortable sleeping environment. Sunshine penetrates, drawing the outline of calm and harmonious atmosphere, let a person find comfort and ease here.
主卧的一角是对生活的向往,亦是精致生活态度的体现。温馨艺术的格调,线条感十足的背景墙,皮革的床配上精致细节的床品,金属与水晶结合的吊灯,再来一点香氛,舒适且精致的氛围感然而生。ADVOCATE LIE ONE Angle is to the life yearning, also be the reflection of delicate life attitude. Warm artistic style, full line sense of the background wall, leather bed with exquisite details of the bed, metal and crystal combined with the chandelier, and then a little fragrance, comfortable and delicate atmosphere feeling.
在属于他的空间里,有着他热爱的马术与音乐,还有极富个性的搭配,所有的物品都在伴随着他成长,绽放他独特的个性。In his own space, there are horsemanship and music that he loves, as well as highly personalized matching. All the items are growing with him, blossoming his unique personality.
阅读,体现生活的质感与生命的张力。谨慎而克制地选择物件,借助材质与尺寸的变化,呈现空间的纯粹与深邃。一米阳光,三尺墨香,晃晃悠悠中完成与灵魂的对话。Reading reflects the texture of life and the tension of life. Objects are chosen with care and restraint, and the purity and depth of the space is presented with the help of changes in material and size. One meter of sunshine, three feet of ink incense, wobbling in the completion of the dialogue with the soul.
生命的本质就是一场艺术,而生活则更像一种境遇,看似平淡无奇,却又绘声绘色。我们总以为奢比纯更可贵,等到最终抵达理想,方知初心难寻。洗尽铅华,用最简单与舒适的方式,超越浮华、颠覆幻想,用纯粹诠释真正的奢华。The essence of life is an art, and life is more like a situation, seemingly ordinary, but also vivid.We always think that luxury is more precious than purity, until we finally reach the ideal, we will never find the original intention. Wash lead, with the most simple and comfortable way, beyond vanity, subversion fantasy, with pure interpretation of the real luxury.