

英文名称:Family residential courtyard design
设计团队:Germinate Garden Design
该项目是由Germinate Garden Design团队来完成的,主要是对一个庭院的改造。目标客户是一对年轻夫妻,他们希望建造好的庭院能够满足家人们的生活,让孩子们安全的玩耍。庭院的面积较大,这里也是招待客人的主要场所之一。该项目的建成是从这个家庭最喜欢的度假胜地---位于地中海的伊比沙岛上的风景获得灵感的。设计师们采用明亮的颜色来装饰花园的各个部分,力求创新。在庭院的后墙上,精通墙壁艺术的艺术家Celia Persephone Gregory完成的绘画与花园内其他部分联系起来,形成了一个小面积的绿色墙体,这是从目标客户在巴黎最喜欢的酒店装饰上获得灵感的。在其中一面侧墙上,设计师们专门定制了一个室外厨房,这里可以用来烧烤,也可以用来储物。花园由一个声光系统,还安装了一个自动灌溉系统。在前院的右角落有一个很小的用餐区,餐桌是石质的,受到了屋主的喜爱。
Germinate Garden Design were asked to design this backyard for a young couple with four small children, that would be the perfect place to entertain friends and family.Inspired by their favorite holiday destination, Ibiza, they opted for a brightly colored and creative garden with different areas.On the rear wall, mosaic artist Celia Persephone Gregory, was commissioned to create a whimsical feature on the overpowering rear wall that shares the space with a small green wall, inspired by the client’s favorite hotel in Paris.On one of the side walls, a bespoke outdoor kitchen was created with a bbq, counter space and storage. The garden also has a sound and lighting system as well as automatic irrigation.In the back right corner, a small dining area is defined by a circle pattern made from York stone.