英文名称:Brazil ALBERTO Forest Park
该项目位于巴西SAO JOSE DOS CAMPOS地区,起伏多变的地势是该公园的特点,浓密的树林是ALBERTO SIMOES公园的标志性景观,小树林主要栽种的是松树。设计团队并没有对原有的自然环境做出更多的干涉,保持土地原有的状态,树林所在的位置是整个公园的最高点。
The rough topography of the area and the presence of significant woodland, mainly constituted by large pine trees, along with the requirement of keeping an old country home located on the highest point of the plot conditioned the development of the project.
The proposal was definitively influenced by the first two conditions. The decision was to turn it into a park destined for the practice of adventure sports, making the most of those drops, the vegetation and the fantastic views over the city and the Paraiba River.The idea put forward for the occupation was that of a circuit that links the different uses and areas at different levels. The building elements act as a mouldable mass that adapts to the terrain, the existing landscape and the different programmes.