

France Sodikart headquarters Office
设计方:Gran Torino设计工作室
图片来源:Alessandro Cane
Gran Torino设计工作室为Sodikart总部设计了一间新办公室。Sodikart是一家位于法国南斯的公司,这家公司主要致力于生产制造卡丁车,现在它是世界知名的休闲卡丁车生产商之一。打造这间办公室的主要目标,就是要用富有代表性的室内设计,展示出一个强大的企业形象,从而将该公司在国际上的圆满表现,成功地渗透到总公司内部。整个建筑被分为两层:第一层是大厅和接待处。楼上第二层为主层,这里有两间展览室、一间休息室、一间会议室和大办公室。
在第一间展览室里,中间部分放置了一些用灯光照亮的倾斜支座,卡丁车就被展示在这些支座上面,它们无疑是室内的焦点。在第二间展览室里,卡丁车被悬挂在半空,这里的主角是赛车齿轮,就好像是在一家服装店里一样,人们可以在这里试用它们。会议室和大办公室是根据所需要的私密性设计的。跟其他共同区域一样,这里使用了光亮的暗色天花板和同样光亮的白色墙壁,但是原木色的地板和圆形的Martinelli吊灯,给这里增加了不少温暖的感觉。在会议室这个需要私密性的区域,Gran Torino亲自设计了一张桌子。就是这张面板用可丽耐做成,桌腿用漆成白色的金属做成的桌子。
Gran Torino Design carried out the a retail project for the Sodikart headquarters. Sodikart is a French company based near Nantes dedicated to karts manufacturing, nowadays leading the production of leisure and racing karts worldwide.The aim of the project was to create a strong corporate image in the most representative interior rooms in order to transferlate their international success into the headquarters. The part of the building which was appointed is divided in two levels: in the ground floor there is the lobby and the reception. Upstairs, the main floor consists of two showrooms, a lounge corner, a conference room and the main office.
In the first showroom, the karts become the center of attention of the room, placed on leaning illuminated pedestals. In the second showroom, the karts are suspended and the protagonists are the racing gears items becoming a kind of clothing store in which visitors can try them on.The conference room and the main office were configured according to their private nature. Like in the common areas there are dark ceilings and the same black and polished white walls, but a natural wood floor and circular Martinelli’s hanging lights provide a warmer environment. To complete these private areas, Gran Torino Design decided to do their own design for the meeting table. The result was “ta-ragno”, a modular table which combines white painted metal legs and a Corian top.