

Former President roh moo-hyun memorial plaza
图片来源:Jong Oh Kim
I was part of a committee formed to fulfill Roh’s last wish to build, in his memory, “a very small gravestone” near his home. The primary idea was that his grave should be a memorial place for a “voluntary gentile.” It should not follow the tradition of other late ex-presidents whose graves are situated at the farthest and highest place inside the National Cemetery. A place close to the street, to the plaza, to us citizens was more fitting.
The location for his grave was decided upon visiting Bongha Village, his hometown to which he returned after leaving office in early 2008. The triangular site, with an area of 3300 m2, was crossed by two streams. Division of the site into three parts was thus already in place, parts which corresponded to the actions of a visitor as one entered, stood by, and paid homage to the late ex-President. It was as if the area was carefully configured to meet the tripartite program. The place already had the answer.
To place the area beyond the ordinary, it was lifted by a meter from the surrounding “everyday” roads. The earth, partially even, descending, or rising along its natural geography, will be covered by pieces of flat granite inscribed with citizens’ tributes initially written on yellow (Roh’s symbolic color) ribbons during the funeral ceremony. Time will wear out these inscriptions someday, but their memories will persist. In order to define its territory, a wall of cor-ten plates ran sixty meters in length along the edges of the grave area. This steel wall, intensifying the sense of place with the weight of silence, will weather to accumulate the traces of changing landscapes. The flat rock covering the urn will also be the aforementioned “very small gravestone,” laid upon a cor-ten plate to form its own territory. The placement of pine trees around the grave area will create a connection to the existing group of pine trees at the foot of Mt. Bonghwa, and the area will finally set its place within the larger world.