加拿大Crudessence小卖部丨L. McComber Architecture

2014/07/30 16:03:23
Crudessence Concession Stand
设计方:L. McComber Architecture
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这是L. McComber Architecture设计的优雅的小卖部,为加拿大素食餐厅连锁店Crudessence而设计的。总面积仅为19平方米,这家小卖部有个冰柜、一个大的冰箱、一个大的冷藏桌、冷藏柜、收银机还有水槽。中间用立式的樱桃木装饰,好像水果皮或者是胡桃木一样。由于提供素食和生食,这家小卖部提供营养的食物,不过却不需要任何加工。因此店内的是被都是用来储存食物,使其保持新鲜。所有的设备,包括防喷溅板、桌台以及一些集成的家具都是用的不锈钢材质,能够增加耐性。
译者: Jasereen
What is your relationship with the new raw vegan food wave? In today’s post we would like to present an elegant concession stand built by L. McComber Architecture for Crudessence, a raw vegan restaurant chain in Canada. Covering an area of ​​only 200 square feet, the concession stand includes a freezer, a standing refrigerator, a large refrigerated assembly table, a refrigerated display, a cash register and a sink. The core is wrapped in a freestanding shell whose unusual organic appearance intrigues clients and onlookers. Built from digitally cut solid cherry timber, it resembles the peel of a fruit or the shell of a walnut. Depending on the observer’s point of view, the shell either closes itself to hide part of the core, or opens up to invite passer-by’s and shoppers to take a breather and give in to an exquisite revitalization.
Raw, organic and vegan, the Crudessence concession stand offers beneficial nourishment that requires no cooking whatsoever. The appliances that are used are therefore intended to preserve the freshness of the food, as well as to cut, grind, mix, assemble and serve it. All equipment, backsplashes, countertops and integrated furnishings are built using stainless steel for maximum durability, as well as to generate a sense of safety and freshness. They are the heart and soul of what is presented as a machine to extract the vital essence of quality food.
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