

英文名称:Portugal MIRADOURO Castle renovation of historical area
该项目位于葡萄牙,围绕着当地圣玛利亚加糖展开,是对MIRADOURO DE S. GENS城堡历史区域的改造,围绕城堡墙体的四周是斜坡,还有一个观景台,这里视野较为开阔,风景优美,受到了游客们的青睐。场地面积为13,200平方米,历史韵味浓厚,它显著的历史价值和所承载的文化重量是有目共睹的。该城堡的最初建设要追溯到12世纪,当时,布朗库堡区是一个重要的圈地,位于圣殿骑士团的统治之下。
场地上大多区域是呈梯降式的结构,尤其是挨着教堂的小树林一带和S. Gens观景台,主要以台阶和木板路为主。但是刚开始的时候,这里作为一个观景场所,带给人们的感觉仍旧是消极的。此次的项目中,设计团队对现有场地的特点进行了深入分析,通过不同的景观元素来将场地的价值和历史背景反映出来,让它的历史和文化得以认同,并传承下去,其中也包括对依然健在的一些历史景观和装饰性花草等。
The project for the restoration and rehabilitation of the castle’s historical zone involved the area surrounding the Santa Maria church as well as the slopes around the walls and the S. Gens belvedere. This area, covering 13,200 sqm, of notable historical and cultural value, dates back to 12th century, when Castelo Branco was an important enclave for the Knights of the Templar Order.
The site included various highly degraded areas, particularly the woodland next to the church and the S. Gens belvedere, but also little interest as a recreational facility given the negative connotations attributed to the area.The intervention proposal was the result of an in-depth analysis of the existing situation, which also sought to uncover the value and historical background of the different components. The recognition of the historical and cultural value of each zone, including the quality of the surviving elements in aesthetical and functional terms.