法国大巴黎 E·press 线地铁站景观

2016/11/11 20:56:28
英文名称:France Greater Paris Express Line subway station landscape
设计团队:Silvio d'Ascia、BIG
法国大巴黎 E·press 线地铁站景观-5
法国大巴黎 E·press 线地铁站景观-6
该项目位于法国首都巴黎市,是对巴黎市新建的Pont de Bondy地铁站的改造。项目方邀请了Silvio d'Ascia团队和BIG团队合作完成。该地铁站建造并没有很长的时间,据悉是大巴黎快线建设的一部分内容。在该项目中,设计团队希望能够将现代化的元素融入到地铁站的设计中。这条地铁线路将近有200千米长,途径多个站台,因此项目充满了挑战。整条线路一共有68个新站台,其中九个非常具有标志性,这九个站台是连接巴黎市不同区域的纽带。
BIG and French studio Silvio d'Ascia have been selected to design the new Pont de Bondy metro station in Paris. The station is the latest design to be announced as part of the Societe du Grand Paris’ Grand Paris Express project, which is seeking to modernize the existing transport network through the addition of nearly 200 kilometers of rail lines and a series of architect-designed stations throughout the city.
Of a total of 68 new stations, nine have been labeled as “emblematic,” meaning that they are expected to serve as significant neighborhood nodes within the larger masterplan.‘Significant urban projects will emerge along this transport route: new neighborhoods with an array of features including housing, economic activities, university centers and cultural facilities – especially around the strategic, structural points provided by the stations,’ explains the Societe du Grand Paris.
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