

England st john church of the Reconstruction
艺术家:liz west
该项目位于英国scunthorpe地区,在之前的st john教堂里,艺术家liz west在教堂中加入了浸入式的彩色光谱装置,为这个哥特式风格的教堂增添了一丝趣味儿。该装置被命名为‘our colour reflection’。从现在开始正式动工,大概到今年的6月26日完工,这里有大概20-21个视觉艺术中心,吸引了游客们的注意。现在,该教堂不仅仅是一个教堂了,它更是一个有价值的展览空间。
在该项目中,艺术家liz west创造了几百个镜面的碟状物品,他们将艺术中心的光线反射到屋顶的部分空间,在教堂内部形成了独特的彩色光谱。当走在教堂内部的时候,游客们可以在镜像表面看到自己的影子,这样就在教堂建筑与游客们之间形成一种互动。该装置使用的是无形的彩色光线元素,颠覆了人们以往实体景观改造的印象,来到这里的游客们都会有不一样的体验。
inside the former st john’s church in the english town of scunthorpe, artist liz west has added an immersive spectrum of light and color to the gothic interior landscape. the installation ‘our colour reflection’ — on from now until june 26, 2016 — is housed at the 20-21 visual arts centre, a historic church-turned-exhibition space.
for the site-specific work, west has created a composition of hundreds of mirrored disks that reflect the gallery lighting into the roof space, projecting a spectrum of hues onto the interior beams and archways. visitors can view their own reflections in the mirrored surfaces as they meander through the space, forming a dialogue between the participant and the architecture of the original site.the installation uses the intangible elements of light and color to transform people’s perception and experience of the space.
英国st john教堂的改造内部实景图
英国st john教堂的改造内部局部实景图