

Secco YingBu university Patio das Escolas landscape
设计方:BB Arquitectos, Gonçalo Byrne, arquitectos Lda.
设计团队:José Barra Tiago Barreiros
委托人:University Of Coimbra
图片来源:Fernando Guerra / FG+SG
Pátio das Escolas是由BB Arquitectos、 Gonçalo Byrne、 arquitectos Lda设计的。这个特别的地方以被作为科英布拉大学整个范围的建筑空间参考而著名,它的面积约6000平方米。这个空间位于科英布拉,被用作停车场,场地表面广泛的砾石涂层在一定程度上证明了它严酷的环境。现在这个空间的理念之一是维护现有的地下考古遗产,这对于确保和加强场地的固有规模是非常重要的,同时它也赋予场地一个更友好和舒适的特性。
译者: 饭团小组
This particular place is known as a space of architectural reference in the entire universe of the Coimbra University. This requalification was an intervention with an area of approximately of 6000 sqm. This space stays in the Upper City of Coimbra and it was used as a car parking which partly justifies extensive gravel coating on its surface giving it an overly harsh ambience.
One of the ideas to this space was safeguard the existing archaeological underground heritage. That was important to ensure and reinforce the institutional scale that is inherent to it; simultaneously it induces a more welcoming and comfortable character.It is proposed in this intervention a large restraint and subtlety which preserves much of the existing surface by invoking the ancient courtyard of arms, including the magnificent peripheral stone flagstones, a noble and peaceful yard of gravel which defines a serene network of paths connecting all remarkable points of the Palace.
The pavement of this network of paths is constituted as an irregular pattern that articulates with the geometric diversity from the surrounding pavement, giving to this space the perception that everything is unifying and a distinctly institutional scale.The stones used in the new paths, or crosswalks and in gutters surface is equal to the current existing one in the Patio. The gutters from the drainage system, which were severely damaged with time, have been fully remade with concrete channels topped with a perforated stone finish. The stones gutters were drilled to enable the eventual installation of a misting system that will soften the Courtyard which becomes extremely hot during the summer months
The channel height is also reduced to a minimum in order to minimize the depth of excavation or to subcontract to create boxes for paving stone and gravel. It is also planned to plant two small lines of trees along the facade of St. Peter’s College. It will allow that many users and visitors of the “Patio” find a welcome shade, giving the opportunity to chat on a quiet place while enjoying the great beauty of the space or dazzling a magnificent view of the Mondego River Valley.
科英布拉大学Pátio das景观外部图
科英布拉大学Pátio das景观外部局部图
科英布拉大学Pátio das景观
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