

英文名称:Portugal Old barrel transformation of the lighting device
设计团队:Teatro Metaphora
该项目是由Teatro Metaphora团队完成的。Teatro Metaphora是一个非盈利组织,是由一些致力于生态建设和环境保护的人们组成的。在该项目中,他们十分注重景观材料的选用,创造了一个多彩绚烂的灯光装置。该装置是由133个使用过的洗衣机机筒组成的。其实最初,该团队打算利用100个机筒来装饰整条小街,整个项目的预计完成时间是6个月。大部分的机筒是从街道边或者垃圾桶附近找到的。之后,这里的人们还捐赠了一些旧机筒,最后数量达到了133个。
该团队充分发挥想象力,别出心裁地将每个机筒改造成一个彩色的灯光装置。该装置将要在葡萄牙Madeira岛Camara de Lobos小镇举办的Sao Pedro景观艺术节上展出。设计团队将该装置命名为“仲夏夜之梦”。对于旧物的充分利用和保护周边的生态环境一直是该团队所坚持的事情,如今这些机筒被改造成了灯光,不仅美化了环境,而且实用性很强。
Teatro Metaphora, a non-profit organization created by a group of friends who want to change the world by promotion of ecological well-being and responsible usage of materials, created this colorful light installation using 133 old washing machine drums.The plan was to decorate the street with 100 drums, and it took them six months to collect them all, with many of the drums found in the street meant for garbage. However, people kept donating their old drums, and the number grew to 133.
The team then had to clean and transform the drums into lights for the installation.Once the drums were ready, they were installed for the festival of Sao Pedro in the town of Camara de Lobos, on Madeira Island, Portugal.The installation, named “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” shows that you can take a team of passionate people and old broken machines, and turn it into something enchanting, for the entire town to enjoy.