

英文名称:Spain Girona Flower Show
摄影师:Gustave Eiffel
该项目位于西班牙Girona市,历史上的Girona市是一个五彩斑斓的城市,就像赭色和珊瑚色的石砌建筑物一样,即使年代已久,也依然光鲜亮丽。该城市的大部分历史景观位于翁亚尔河两岸,设计师Gustave Eiffel在10年前建造了一座过桥,但是并没有举世闻名。我们对熟知他是因为他之后在巴黎建造的埃菲尔铁塔。犹太人和阿拉伯人以前住在河流两岸,和谐相处,周边是古老的中世纪城墙,喜欢骑着自行车周游世界的运动员们都对Girona美丽的风景和温和的气候印象十分深刻。
这是Robin Plaskoff Horton第二次前往Girona市,他受到邀请,将要为该地区每年举办一次的花展建造一个植物艺术装置。该节日在每年的五月份,持续一周的时间,这里距离巴塞罗那北边只有一个小时的车程,美丽的室外花卉展览让整个城市变得澎湃,园艺学和艺术的相互结合让人们领会到自然艺术的真谛。
The history of Girona, Spain is as colorful as are the ochre and coral-toned buildings lining the banks of the Onyar river that flows through it. Gustave Eiffel built a bridge there ten years before designing his eponymous tower in Paris. Jews and Arabs once lived side by side in harmony within the city’s medieval walls, and legendary Tour du Monde cyclists take advantage of Girona’s mild weather and varied terrain to train there.
My second trip to Girona, this time I was honored to be invited by the city to co-create a botanical art installation for their annual Temps de Flors festival. For one week every May, this Catalonian city about an hour north of Barcelona bursts with color when the whole place becomes one big living outdoor exhibition–a mix of horticulture and art with site-specific installations composed wholly or in part of flowers and plants.