

Studio Lawahl 是一家位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩的室内设计工作室,由创始人Joanna Lavén设立。这位从不依靠单一的风格走红的北欧设计师Joanna Lavén一次又一次地证明了她对高雅的室内设计的眼光,根据空间和客户来改变她的策划。
Studio Lawahl is an interior design Studio based in Stockholm, Sweden, founded by Joanna Laven. Never one to rely on a single style to make a name for herself, Nordic designer Joanna Laven has proven time and again that she has an eye for elegant interior design, changing her plans according to the space and client.
Joanna Lavén致力于寻找一个冷静和平衡的色调,尝试使用高质量的可以“独立”的对象,不仅仅是为了创造一种特定的感觉。对她来说,在室内摆放古董家具很重要,并且认为摆满新家具的空间并不是那么有趣。她喜欢收集自己喜欢的元素,把它们放在一个相互补充的环境中,也有一些带有历史痕迹的物品——复古的物品总是让室内更有趣。而这些都在她所设计的Apartment BL项目中得到了体现。
Joanna Laven is committed to finding a calm and balanced hue, experimenting with using high quality objects that can 'stand on their own', not just to create a specific feeling. For her, it's important to have antique furniture inside, and she doesn't think Spaces filled with new furniture are that interesting. She likes to collect her favorite elements and put them in a complementary environment, as well as items with historical traces -- vintage items always make interiors more interesting. This is reflected in her Apartment BL project.