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Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室

2021/11/23 00:00:00
Ksenia Breivo并没有让她的作品以一种特定的风格为特色,因为这种风格的界限正变得越来越模糊。她与Breivo工作室合作设计的室内设计总是散发出一种特定的感觉,一种轻松优雅的感觉。通过这种方式,她创造了一个令人感觉良好的空间。Kurkli别墅也是如此。
Ksenia Breivo does not allow her work to be characterized by a particular style, because its boundaries are disappearing more and more. The interiors that she designs with Studio Breivo always radiate a certain feeling, that of casual elegance. She creates spaces where you can't help but feel good in it. This was also the case at Villa Kurkli.
Ksenia Breivo对建筑和设计的热爱是真诚的,设计师雄心勃勃也不过分,只要她能继续做她正在做的事情。这也反映在她的项目是如何产生的,而这主要集中在她的工作质量。建筑通常是她设计的基础。现有的建筑形式和建筑体量,以及客户的愿望,在概念的发展中起着最重要的作用。Breivo的设计理念也延伸到自然材料的使用,她更喜欢选择数量有限的完全完美的物品,而不是把奢华的室内设计放在一起。重复使用作品,为旧设计注入新的生命,也给了她很大的满足感。这些元素创造了一种独特的氛围和能量,而不是一种特定的风格。
Ksenia Breivo's love for architecture and design is genuine and the designer is not overly ambitious as long as she can keep doing what she is doing. This is also reflected in the way in which her projects are realized by mainly focusing on the quality of her work. Architecture is often the basis of her designs. Existing building forms and architectural volumes, together with the wishes of the customer, play the most important role in the development of a concept. Breivo's design philosophy is also expressed in the use of natural materials and she prefers to go for a limited number of items that are completely perfect than to put together lavish interiors. Reusing pieces and breathing new life into old designs also gives her a lot of satisfaction. Rather than being in line with a particular style, these elements create a unique atmosphere and energy.
考虑到Villa Kurkli的位置和周围环境,Breivo最初的概念是想让外部成为内部的一部分,并以一种复杂的方式将它与景观融合在一起。别墅很大,她想提高这种美感。因此,设计师的灵感来自大地、山脉、天空和大自然一整天所呈现的各种色调。这是一个宁静和与世隔绝的空间,在这里,自然支配着一个人,人们在冥想,对她来说,外部的自然比事物的自然更重要。她想创造一个没有什么能分散这个人注意力的空间。只有自然和形式的美。
Given the Villa Kurkli location and environment, The original concept of Breivo was to make the exterior part of the interior and integrate it with the landscape in a complex way.The villas are cave-like and She wanted to ennoble that aesthetic. For the color palette, the designer was inspired by the earth, the mountains, the sky and the different shades that nature displays throughout the day. This is a space for rest and seclusion where nature predominates and a man meditates, for him the nature outside becomes more important than the nature of things. She wanted to create a space where nothing distracts this person. Just the nature and the beauty of the shapes.
为了实现这一概念,Ksenia Breivo希望尽可能多地使用当地的材料。为此,她研究了环境的特点和它们的纯材料。因此,这个项目的家具将是特别用当地的木材制作的,例如用杏树做小物件,Breivo用该地区农场的羊毛做地毯。这些独特的作品当然是补充了其他有趣的设计。
In function of this concept, Ksenia Breivo wanted to use as many local materials as possible. She studied the characteristics of the environment and the pure materials that characterize it. Furniture for this project will therefore be specially made from local wood, for example from apricot trees for small items, and for the carpets, Breivo will use sheep wool from farms in the region. These unique pieces are of course complemented by other interesting designs.
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-10
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-11
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-12
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-13
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-14
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-15
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-16
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-17
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-18
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-19
Villa Kurkli 别墅设计丨Ksenia Breivo 与 Breivo 工作室-20
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