Shanth Fernando是一位来自斯里兰卡知名的室内设计师,他在斯里兰卡的家向人们展示了一个收藏家的艺术天堂。自从上世纪80年代初离开澳大利亚以来,Shanth Fernando一直生活在他的创意世界里。1987年,他成立了自己的生活方式品牌Paradise Road,指导了无数工匠和艺术家。
Shanth Fernando is a well-known interior designer from Sri Lanka. His home in Sri Lanka presents a collector's paradise for art. Since leaving Australia in the early 1980s, Shanth Fernando has lived in his creative world. In 1987, he founded his own lifestyle brand, Paradise Road, where he mentored countless artisans and artists.
Shanth Fernando坚持着自己这份充满爱的工作,赋予了这份天赋生命。他对Geoffrey Bawa导师的尊敬,以及他与已故Kerry Hill的亲密友谊,毫无疑问是这些关系影响了他对空间的看法。最令他兴奋的是对创作的绝对痴迷,以及对涉足许多不同领域的渴望。他所承担的每一个项目都是以艺术家创作杰作的方式完成的。
Shanth Fernando keeps this gift alive by doing a job full of love. His respect for his mentor Geoffrey Bawa and his close friendship with the late Kerry Hill undoubtedly shaped his view of space. What excites him most is his absolute obsession with creation and his desire to dabbles in many different fields. Every project he undertook was done in the way an artist creates a masterpiece.
在Shanth Fernando的一生中,建筑和室内设计一直是他视觉和生活中的重要元素。在斯里兰卡的第一个房子是一栋巴瓦(Geoffrey Bawa)设计的顶层公寓,Shanth Fernando住在他不断改造的房子里。Shanth Fernando在很小的时候就爱上了建筑,他回忆起当地一位著名的建筑师劝阻他不要追求这一领域,尽管有人认为他在这一行业会很出色。
Throughout Shanth Fernando's life, architecture and interior design have always been an important element of his vision and life. The first house in Sri Lanka was a penthouse designed by Geoffrey Bawa, and Shanth Fernando lived in the house he was constantly transforming. Shanth Fernando fell in love with architecture at an early age and recalls that a well-known local architect dissuaded him from pursuing the field, despite the belief that he would excel in it.
Shanth Fernando家的风格带有Paradise Road单色、低调的特色,但它也是一个家。他收藏的每一幅画和每件艺术品都包含着一个故事。较年轻的艺术家Rajni Perera和Chudamani Clowes的侧面作品来自他的43组的全部收藏,是斯里兰卡最著名的现代主义者。他开始狂热地收集令人垂涎的斯里兰卡现当代艺术品。除了这些艺术品,这栋房子还收藏了同样珍贵的古董,主要是荷兰时期的斯里兰卡古董,以及他在欧洲和该地区旅行时收集的家具和物品
Road's monochrome, understated style, but it is also a home. Every painting and every piece of art in his collection contains a story. The younger artists, Rajni Perera and Chudamani Clowes, whose profile works come from his entire collection of 43 groups, are Sri Lanka's best-known modernists. He began an avid collection of coveted sri Lankan modern and contemporary art. In addition to the art, the house houses an equally valuable collection of antiques, mainly Sri Lankan antiques from the Dutch period, as well as furniture and objects he collected during his travels in Europe and the region.
这位收藏家、交易商、策展人、设计师、赞助人和鉴赏家的作品五花八门,家中没有一个角落是空的。每一个空间都是精心安排的。在设计房子的过程中,他找到了一位可以指导风格的建筑师,并选择与Philip Weeraratne合作,他是一位在现代、简约建筑和住宅方面有经验的建筑师。他的家就是他的画布——一个他可以随心所欲地改变事物的试验性空间。
The eclectic pieces of this collector, dealer, curator, designer, patron and connoisseur leave not a corner in his home empty. Every space is meticulously arranged. In designing the house, he sought out an architect to whom he could dictate the style and chose to work with Philip Weeraratne, an architect with experience in modern, minimal buildings and homes. His home is his canvas—an experimental space where he has the freedom to change things whenever he so chooses.