

澳大利亚墨尔本的设计工作Lou Prentice Interior设计了当地的一个家庭住宅。这个家庭住宅的设计是为了容纳一个忙碌的家庭,同时保持永恒的柔软和温暖感。设计工作室在Embling Road House中平衡了大胆和舒适。设计师设计了与住宅对称、流动和比例直观的内饰。
Lou Prentice Interior has designed a family home in Melbourne, Australia. This family home was designed to accommodate a busy family while maintaining a timeless sense of softness and warmth. The design studio balances boldness and comfort in Embling Road House. The interior was designed to be symmetrical, flowing and proportional to the house.