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Griddy’s 华夫餐酒馆丨新加坡丨Unite Unit

2021/12/21 10:20:35
生命是一趟充满苦与乐的趣味之旅。这正正也是餐酒馆Griddy’s的品味哲学,当你走进以华夫饼为主打菜式的Griddy’s ,一趟味觉与视觉的趣味之旅也正式展开。
Life is a bittersweet journey. The same philosophy is applicable to Griddy’s layered aesthetic approach, a contemporary bistro by the park that serves up freshly-made sweet and savoury waffles. To create visual interest that sparks conversation in every inch of the casual dining hub, a harmonious marriage of composition and balance was adopted to dictate the space’s design sensibilities.
▼项目概览,overview of the project ©Unite Unit
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The spongy, sumptuous texture and square pattern of waffles became a prominent inspiration to soften sharp edges and hard surfaces for an inviting ambience that fits for lunch and dinner among friends, lovers and families. To match the crown-cut teak with a mate finish, a vibrant palette composed of stately blues and reds are in place to add flair with details – as seen in the wall tiles, the frames of the dining chairs and the alluring fabrics of the built-in banquettes, to name a few.
▼吧台区域,the bar counter ©Unite Unit
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▼吧台座位区,seating area around the bar ©Unite Unit
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▼啡红色皮沙发,Brown red leather sofa ©Unite Unit
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看到店内的啡红色皮沙发,即让人联想到餐馆的主打食品 — 华夫饼,坐在一格格的海棉泡泡上,仿佛令人体验置身于华夫中的乐趣,同时亦为餐馆添上一份怀旧色彩。细心留意的话,设计师也巧妙地运用了蓝、红色砖墙的布置,红色砖墙部分与「华夫沙发」并列在一起,延伸至整个餐馆,把室内空间连贯起来。而室内的蓝色砖墙部分就是室外延伸入室内的桥梁,位于公园旁的Griddy’s 透过略大的玻璃窗,将蓝天绿叶的明媚景致带进室内,不单让顾客可以在室内享受日光的温暖气息,也令餐馆空间变得更开扬。
The eye-catching geometric shape of waffles is further extended to the overhead shelves at the service bar, the whimsical brand logo highlighting the entrance wall, as well as the ingenious treatment for floorings, walls and ceilings to express an understated yet versatile design language. While the dining hub is blessed with sizable transparent glass that enhances spaciousness, the creative team decided to accentuate the window seats with an eye-catching element – a series of compact glass panels in peachy hues to give a colourful boost.
▼蓝、红色瓷砖墙的对比,The contrast of blue and red tile walls ©Unite Unit
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▼靠窗的「华夫沙发」与红色砖墙融合,The waffle sofa by the window merges with the red brick wall ©Unite Unit
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▼玻璃窗将室外景观引入室内, Glass windows introduce views from the outside into the interior ©Unite Unit
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▼墙壁上不同尺寸的瓷砖饰面, Different sizes of tile finishes on the walls ©Unite Unit
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The surprisingly sophisticated pastel simply puts any diners at ease with its own sense of serenity. The get-together haven is certainly not a static place, it continues to grow and evolve with such refined, meticulous elements that contribute to a self-contained universe of joy and imagination. Your ideal picture of a truly well-lived life begins here.
▼细部,detail ©Unite Unit
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Completion date:2021 Design:Unite Unit
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