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LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所

2021/12/30 00:00:00
DCDSAA Architectural Design Office has completed a very important architectural planning and design project in Shanghai this year-Lilith House (Cat House Garden); Architects hope to build a harmonious relationship among architecture, courtyard and nature through minimalist geometric deconstruction and calm symmetry.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-3
▼项目俯瞰,top view ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-5
▼项目区位,location ©DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-8
▼改造前项目外观,original view of the project before renovation ©DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-10
“Architecture is an open natural relationship with rhythm and clear facade. Mr. Wang Hao, the presiding architect of DCDSAA Architecture Office, said: “Rigorous planning and design, thanks to our in-depth study and discussion of future architecture, is an open private space with a sense of ceremony. Architecture is connected with courtyard and the interaction between them creates unique experience fun.” In Yunjian Granary Cultural and Creative Park, Songjiang, Shanghai, there are a group of old granary buildings with a long history, which are located on the banks of the people’s river. As an original granary land, the mission of this location is to create a harmonious symbiosis with the surrounding landscape and become a part of the site building.
▼小屋整体外观,overall view of the house ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-13
▼东侧外观,east view ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-15
▼西侧外观,west view ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-17
▼结构立体分裂图,exploded diagram ©DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-20
The inclined special-shaped frame of the entrance floating BOX is used, and the interesting upper and lower façades are formed. The faç ades are designed with large floor-to-ceiling glass. The three-dimensional structure of each BOX echoes the waterscape of the outside garden like a sculpture, creating the fluidity of the space.
▼大落地窗与场景,large floor-to-ceiling window and scene ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-23
▼建筑立面对比,facade comparison ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-25
▼树与入口之间,space between the tree and the entrance ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-27
The whole indoor beige minimalist structure design, the semi-circular sinking leisure experience space has beautiful lines and sense of body, the tolerance and width of natural lighting, and more interaction and contrast between light and buildings. After the space has the natural attribute of light, it is full of the contrast between fantasy and reality, and it is endowed with the pure modern temperament like an architectural art museum. The rich and varied landscape environment creates diversified interesting experiences for the building. Each open space in the room not only provides people with an excellent vision, but also closely connects the outdoor space with the independent indoor space. In the design of the site and the building, the changes of scale and storey height are skillfully used, which form a rich volume contrast relationship and creating a unique space and visual experience.
▼外部与室内,in-between space ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-31
▼室内局部休闲空间-米白色极简构造设计,leisure space- minimalist structure design ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-33
▼半圆形下沉休闲体验空间,semi-circular sinking leisure experience space ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-35
▼极佳的远景视野,excellent vision ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-37
Each symmetrical direction of BOX lighting is a pure form of architecture, which leads the space to a more intriguing artistic direction, and also leads to the “natural attribute” of architecture, thus creating a natural feeling of visibility and satisfying our pursuit of experience quality and ideal. The patchwork appearance and posture create a series of continuous landscape scenes. The public space in the building is organized around the outdoor garden platform, and the boundary between indoor and outdoor becomes smart because of these gardens. The overall planning consists of two small buildings, and an outdoor punch-in terrace is formed in the upper part of the building. The terrace is planted with green vegetation, just like a hanging garden, floating above the site and the river bank, creating a natural and harmonious indoor and outdoor atmosphere.
▼建筑的光与影,light and shadow of the building ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-41
▼绿植围绕建筑,green plants surround the building ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-43
▼仰视庭院,up-looking the yard ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-45
The two-story sky garden structure floats on the first floor, forming a wonderful floating posture; Interact with the waterscape below, and the overall facade of the second floor shows various shapes, sometimes delicate and sometimes quiet, which can create a natural, soft, beautiful and smart picture for the space, and become a beautiful photoshop viewing platform.
▼建筑夹缝中的户外楼梯,outdoor stairs in the building gap ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-49
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-50
▼观景台,viewing platform ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-52
In addition, the architectural design of another cat house adopts the upper and lower floors of open-ended integration design, with large area of glass and transparency, emphasizing the comfort of space, following the light and nature. The unconscious harmonious relationship between cats and nature is the best expression of “unconscious architecture”.
▼由观景台望向猫舍建筑,cat house from viewing platform ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-56
▼一楼猫宠活动空间,cat activity space on the first floor ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-58
▼二楼猫宠活动空间,cat activity space on the second floor ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-60
In the rear area of the building, the inward outdoor garden is the most exciting realm to create an inner silence. The inner courtyard echoes the natural waterscape to show the beautiful garden and modern poetry.
▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial view by night ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-64
▼夜景俯瞰,top view by night ©吴清山
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-66
▼施工现场过程图,construction site ©DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-68
▼一层平面图,1F plan ©DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-70
▼二层平面图,2F plan ©DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-72
▼剖立面图1,section-elevation 1 ©DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所
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▼剖立面图2,section-elevation 2 ©DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所
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LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-78
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-79
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-80
LILITH 莉莉斯小屋 · 上海悬浮猫舍花园的极简设计惊喜丨中国上海丨DCDSAA 淀川建筑设计事务所-81
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