


Győr has got strong and rich tradition in sports and especially long history in Olympics. This was the initial reason that the municipal leaders of Győr decided to fund a museum to show this history by exhibiting relics and belongings (dresses, medals etc.) of the olympicons of the city.
We were happy to able to work on both the identity and the interior design of the museum. This way we could extend the visual direction and typography to 3D/exhibition level aswel.
The key visual is based on the 5 ring symbol of the Olympic movement. As the rings can only be used in very strict circumstances, we decided to use them in a rearranged way: we set them to concentric circles and than “exploded” them. This way we got a consistent but always changing dynamic identity system.
Hopefully the wall of fame will be extended this summer :) See you in Rio!
made by zwoelf
identity and interior design
Farkas Ekho Zsolt
3D visualisation
exhibition design