

Client: D-POWER
Design: 淵、Hing、邱天
Area : 800㎡
Photography: HBetc.
Year: 2017
D-POWER 由CLUB、超市、外区三个部分组成:
外区视觉中心是一辆Airstream拖车改装而成的pop up调酒吧台,有活动的时候可以变身为DJ台。在热带植物与霓虹灯光的渲染下仿佛回到了80年代。
Fashion is a reincarnation. And the current retro style is in theascendant with the sense of Modern Age coming back to the stage. D-POWER isdifferent from pure retro style featuring more distinct sense of age,rebellious youth, and retro & modern style. It interprets a new wave of streetmashups.
D-POWER consists of three parts: CLUB, supermarket, and the exteriorzone.
The visual center of the exterior zone is a pop up bar stationconverted from an Airstream trailer that can be changed into a DJ station whennecessary with activities. Under the rendering of tropical plants and neonlight, the exterior zone seems to have gone back to the 1980s.
The supermarket applies a lot of metal and neon lighting devices. TheCLUB's entrance is hidden next to the supermarket checkout counter, breakingthe traditional bar consumption model and creating a free space.
These retro, fashion, modern, street trends are integrated intoD-POWER, constituting a sense of non-worldly niche, and non-pretentious &rebellious style.