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纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相

2020/12/07 14:57:29
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-0
Brecht Wright Gander has debuted three new pieces of furniture and lighting as part of Room57 Gallery’s inaugural exhibition. The contemporary designer and artist, known for his explorations of concept, materiality and execution, first launched his studio in 2017. Acclaim for his approach and limited-edition works that marry function and sculpture shortly followed. The recently unveiled Directions for Knowing All Dark Things Credenza, Homemaker’s Credenza and Another Fucking Lamp continue Gander’s creative journey into the unknown.
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-2
Directions for Knowing All Dark Things Credenza The Directions for Knowing All Dark Things Credenza is hand-carved in curly maple and inlaid with shells, woods and metals. Its exquisite craftsmanship shows off Gander’s early training as a woodworker. The inlay techniques used were originally developed for musical instrument-making and create a delicate appearance. The credenza’s panels and doors include forms, textures and colors that give the design its own voice.
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-4
Directions for Knowing All Dark Things Credenza
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-6
Directions for Knowing All Dark Things Credenza
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-8
Directions for Knowing All Dark Things Credenza
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-10
Homemaker’s Credenza Anything but a lightweight, the Homemaker’s Credenza clocks in at over half a ton! The title “Homemaker” alludes to the fact that, as immoveable as it is, wherever it’s placed it will be the statement-making piece of a home. The credenza’s surface is a nod to concrete before it hardens, with all of its ripples and bulges.
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-12
Homemaker’s Credenza
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-14
Homemaker’s Credenza
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-16
Another Fucking Lamp Giving new meaning to the metaphorical phrase “turning on a lamp”, Another Fucking Lamp gives the user something they can likely relate to. While previously researching Victorian lighting, Gander took note of the riffs played on women’s clothing that were often used in lighting design and went from there. By giving Another Fucking Lamp these human-like qualities, he ensures that its needs and desires do not go unnoticed.
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-18
Another Fucking Lamp
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-20
Another Fucking Lamp
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-22
Another Fucking Lamp
纽约 Room57 画廊首展 | Brecht Wright Gander 新作亮相-24
Brecht Wright Gander Visit Brecht Wright Gander’s trio of works at Room57 Gallery , located at 235 East 57th Street, New York, New York. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 11am to 6pm; Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 5pm.
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