知末案例   /   娱乐空间   /   酒吧   /   现代酒吧

La cour 酒吧&咖啡厅丨All Design Studio

2022/02/07 18:02:00
后疫情时代我们的生活似乎都被按下了快进键,习惯了与时间作斗争,原本忙碌的身影变得更加繁忙,而作为设计师的我们 在思考后疫情时代城市或生活能否更加清洁、安静、友善与绿色,让大家疲惫的身心得到一丝慰藉与放松。
In the post-epidemic era, our lives seem to be fast-forwarded. Given the uncertainty over the future, we are accustomed to fighting against time. Our lives have become more dynamic under this circumstance. As designers, we wonder if the city or life in this era can be cleaner, quieter, friendlier, and greener, which can bring a special comfort zone for everyone.
▼临街外观,street view ©Yuuuunstudio
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La cour一词源于法语,中文为后院的意思。 后院在我们脑海中似乎总与那个最熟悉的地方有关,令人放松,放下疲惫的地方。而la cour目的是打造一个“后院”,希望大家在繁忙之余,可以到熟悉的后院小憩一会儿。
The word “La cour” is originally from French and means backyard in Chinese. The backyard is treated as an intimate place in our minds—a place to relax and relieve. We hope everyone can take a break in this backyard after an exhausting day.
▼入口,entrance ©Yuuuunstudio
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▼轴测分解图,axon exploded ©All Design Studio
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According to the owner’s request, the “backyard” has both functions of cafe and bar. Our design allows the space to be divided into two parts. The overall space in the cafe area adopts a warm color with low saturation to create a bright “corridor.” which acts as the connection to the backyard. The color of materials used in the backyard area is mainly a color like red brick, coordinating with granite booths, wooden bar counters, and wells, creating a scene like being in a backyard. The bar counter acts as the backyard’s patio, anticipating bringing more sunlight and nature into the yard. The partially hollowed-out top surface allows guests to see the sky directly in the atrium, which leads to the backyard.
▼由入口望向咖啡厅,view to the cafe from entrance ©Yuuuunstudio
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▼咖啡厅空间,cafe space ©Yuuuunstudio
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▼咖啡厅座位区,seating area ©Yuuuunstudio
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▼由咖啡厅望向酒吧,view to the bar from the cafe ©Yuuuunstudio
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▼酒吧空间,bar space ©Yuuuunstudio
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▼酒吧台上方作为后院的“天井” ©Yuuuunstudio the bar counter acts as the backyard’s patio
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▼酒吧座位区一角,a corner of the seating area ©Yuuuunstudio
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The walls utilize the same technique, incorporating irregular openings, patterned glass, and adjustable color lights to create a view of the sunlight in the backyard filtering through the lush trees and sprinkles on the ground.
▼酒吧夜景,the bar at night ©Yuuuunstudio
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▼吧台,the bar counter ©Yuuuunstudio
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▼吧台一角,a corner of the bar counter ©Yuuuunstudio
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▼墙面不规则开洞搭配压花玻璃与可调颜色灯光 ©Yuuuunstudio irregular openings, patterned glass, and adjustable color lights
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▼座位区,seating area ©Yuuuunstudio
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▼细部,details ©Yuuuunstudio
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