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水之博物馆丨西班牙帕伦西亚丨MID estudio

2021/04/12 14:24:18
Architect:MID estudio
Location:Palencia, Spain
Project Year:2010
Category:Exhibition Centres
The construction of a Channel that would communicate the inner Castilla with Reinosa to allow the surplus cereals to be transported and finally reach the Santander seaport was started in the mid eighteenth century. It was not completely finished, though, due to the arrival of the railway. Anyway, the project, which was based on the illustrated idea of beauty, still maintains the fascination that it once awoke.
The dock of the Channel of Castilla in Palencia belongs to its Southern and latest branch. Approximately in 1803 the construction works of the dock started. The dock is, in fact, a widening at the end of the channel where barges could be tied up so that they could load and download. Much later, in the first half of the twentieth century, two grain stores where built on both sides of the dock.
The Museum of Water is the first phase, providing cultural content and use to one of the buildings in the dock, within a more ambitious approach that expects and claims to bring the use and enjoyment of the dock and the Channel of Castilla back to the citizens.
The creation of the Museum of Water has made it possible to refurbish one of the stores in the dock. The building has a rectangular floor measuring 62,4x10,3m, concrete load-bearing walls with a brick sheet on the outer side and a repetitive rhythm both of doors and windows. Wooden trusses with metallic straps form the roof´s structure.
The proposal links the abstract content of the museum to the neutral continent by means of architectural language. A skylight which goes along the ridge of the roof gives sense to the different spaces of the museum bringing and qualifying light into each of them and providing the building of meaning. The skylight is superposed to the pre-existing structure but does not alter it and gets accommodated to its rigorous modulation. That way, both structures, the new one and the old one, complement each other. “Boxes” pending from the skylight bring light inside.
The program is divided in three areas: a reception area with administration and services, a temporary exhibition area and the permanent exhibition area. The building is long and narrow so it establishes a sequential route along the spaces where the visitor always discovers them in the same order.
A sheet of water starts at the end of the temporary exhibition area and crosses the permanent exhibition space, situated at the end of the route, compelling the visitor to surround it. “Boxes” hanging from the skylight go down to light up exclusively the sheet of water achieving a more tenuous and quiet space. At the same time, the permanent exhibition which will be carried out via interactive audiovisuals will be projected onto those boxes´ surface. The tangible presence of the water moving and the sound that it generates are part of the sensory experience of the museum.
Material Used :
Facade cladding: Existing brickwork. Existing concrete load-bearing wall, washed and treated with transparent consolidating coating.
Flooring: Siliceus mortar flooring with fluidizers, milled and coated with BASF’s MASTERTOP 544+MASTERTOP TC 445 system.
Windows: Structure made of #60.40.2, #40.40.2 galvanized steel sections. #80.20.2 frame and #50,20,2 beading. 3mm galvanized steel sheet, with specifical galvanized metal primer and enamelled in RAL 7010 colour. U20.2 fold galvanized steel sheet. 19 mm waterproof MDF board. 30 mm waterproof MDF board(on floor) 15mm oaktree wood covering on MDF board. 4 cm rockwool insulation. Double glazing with Climalit glass 6+6 /12/ 4.
Roofing: Existing wooden truss with metallic strapwith treatment against xylophaga and fire-resistant varnish. 180 x 120 existing wooden strap, with treatment against xylophaga and fire-resistant varnish. 90 x 90 existing wooden beam with treatment against xylophaga and fire-resistant varnish. 23mm pine tree roof boarding, dyed and treated with fire-resistant varnish. 6cm, XPS insulation. 80 x 40 primary wooden strips. 40 x40 secondary wooden strips. Waterproof bituminous felt. Polyethilene film. Red clay tiles nailed to wooden strips. (skyligth) Aluminium jointure by CORTIZO and glazing made of: 10mm security thoughened glass with planitherm energy saving layer inside+ 12 mm air cavity+ (6+6)mm laminated glass.
Box girder made of T70.8, L70.70.7, L100.10 and LD200.100.10 steel sections and 3mm steel sheet. 6mm steel console for fixing subestructure. #50.2 steel frame. Steel sandwich panel, enamelled in RAL 7010 colour. 2mm expanded aluminium sheet by INDUSTRIAS IMAR, rhomboid grid 170/85, laquered in RAL 7010 colour. Structure of "hanging boxes”, made of #40.40.tubular steel sections. 15 mm plasterboard covering "hanging boxes" 1mm fold steel sheet as lower "hanging boxes" finish.
Interior lighting: IDUO electrified track by IGUZZINI DAISALUX (emergency lighting)
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