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2022/02/16 12:00:30
Acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge. ——W.Somerset Maugham
200 万年前,远古时代的不同文化人类群体在张家口交汇繁衍。他们在这里开垦出第一片耕地,开启了中华文明之先河。自此,这片土地再不肯荒芜,东方人类从这里走来,中华文明从这里走来。伴随着冬奥会的来临,张家口正在向世界展现其崭新面孔。
A thousand years ago, there was only a few steps from Romans’ library to the temple. “books are not absolutely dead things”, as John Milton said. Human develop through the long history with the divinity power of books. Although lost among the puzzle bookshelves in the song of Jorge Luis Borges’ library, establishing a library building that leads to genuine knowledge and freedom is the desire of each city.
Two million years ago, human groups with different culture backgrounds converged and multiplied in Zhangjiakou. They initially reclaimed the land here, opening a precedent for Chinese civilization. Since then, this piece of land is never be barren. Eastern humans and Chinese civilization have come from here. With the approach of the Winter Olympics, Zhangjiakou is showing its new look to the world.
▼张家口图书馆外观全景,the overview of exterior of Zhangjiakou Library ©史云峰
Zhangjiakou is built close to mountains and rivers, surrounded on three sides by mountains, in the north, west and east. The Zhangjiakou Library, Archives, Museum, and Planning Museum are integrated into one in the central canyon area. Those three architecture massing in different sizes are harmonious in diversity, and open to the south. The building facade is covered by recyclable perforated panels. The entire building complex a regional miniature landscape in the way of the contemporary artistic treatment.
▼建筑外观与庭院,external view of the building and the courtyard©史云峰
其中东侧图书馆规模最大,总建筑面积 22000 平方米,总藏书量约 110 万册,阅览座位 2100 座。图书馆内开架区域书库与阅览区紧密结合,实现了“藏、查、借、阅”的结合模式。
The library on the east side is the largest, with a total construction area of 22,000 square meters. The total book collection is about 1.1 million volumes, with 2,100 reading seats. The open-shelf book storage in the library is integrated with the reading area in order to provide the functions of “collection, search, borrowing and reading”.
▼图书馆的方格立面,grid facade of the library©史云峰
Less is not empty but condensed; more is not crowded but appropriate. In this project, economics is aesthetics; abandon trivial and complicated decorations to optimize cost and precise design. Interior design follows the principle of systematic design, and extends based on the logic of architectural design.Architecture is the art of man-made layering, release the restrictions and creating spaces of use, emotion and feeling. The overall building space adopts the design of an integrated ceiling curtain wall with an atrium. The platforms and main stairs on each floor define the functional areas and appearance of the library structure.
▼室内空间概览,overall view of the interior space©史云峰
The interior is unified in the texture of gray-white cement cladding and logs. The light pours down from the top at different angles. People wander in the shades of the layered light and shadow, to enjoy the interesting changes of vision.
▼灰白色水泥挂板与原木材料,combination of gray-white cement cladding and logs©史云峰
The modern library is not only a place for storage and borrowing, but also a space where people love to stay, socially interact, to be inspired and surprised, effortlessly transferred from "reading to interaction" through the different scenarios. In future urban life, it will become a link connecting people with knowledge, experience, and creation. Within the city, it will explore the needs and possibilities of the community and stimulate the fresh vitality of the field.
The library as the carrier of books, it is sometimes abstract and sometimes concrete, when the concept of books is integrated into the space. It always conveys power. From the three scales of “large, medium and small” to the three light and dark levels of “black, white and gray”, the design logic is based on “Two in one, three in two, three in all” with modular design. “Book + Shelf” is arranged and composed in the form of a lattice, which is converted from a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional space composition, and connects the theme and interaction of the space.
▼格子贯穿空间,lattice formed structures throughout the space©史云峰
▼通高的“书架”,multi-height “bookshelves”©史云峰
The pavement of the existing building’s outdoor plaza is extended and assembled with strips of light three-color terrazzo, which is in harmony with the holistic design and changes organically, reducing the rate of material wastage, and also effectively integrating interior spaces and exterior spaces.
▼三色水磨石材拼装的地面,floor paved with three-color terrazzo©史云峰
Visitors enter from the main entrance on the first floor underground. The “art installation” form of the multi-functional hall (small theater/large lecture hall) in the atrium has an extremely upward sense, weakening the pressure of “canyon” formed by the existing building structure. As the focal point, the multi-functional hall is like the heart pumping out vitality and energy in the library, activating yet stabilizing the entire space. Meanwhile, the lattice elements are arranged in different orders, filled with high quality sound-absorbing materials, which effectively reduce the problem of noise in large spaces.
▼中庭内的多功能厅,multi-functional hall in the atrium©史云峰
▼剧院/报告厅,theater / lecture hall©史云峰
There is a small stepped square, through the connection of roof of the large lecture hall and the second floor. The natural green plants are arranged in alternates with a rich sense of visual hierarchy of the green on the first floor underground, which expand the traffic flow lines in the space, in order to provide people a relatively open field with nature.
▼多功能厅顶部的阶梯广场 stepped squard on the top of the multi-functional hall©史云峰
▼广场与二层相连 square connected with the second floor spaces©史云峰
▼阶梯广场近景,closer view to the stepped square©史云峰
The sunlight in Zhangjiakou is strong and the architecture facade is covered with the perforated curtain wall, which makes the indoor light less suitable for reading. The designer artfully placed that area as a promenade with a stage effect, and placed the reading area inward. The constantly changing light became a spotlight, illuminating the unknown world of readers.
▼室内立面上的光影 light and shadows on the inner facade©史云峰
▼富有舞台效果的长廊,corridor with stage effect©史云峰
现代化图书馆配备丰富的智能管理设备,在出入口维护公共秩序和安全。自助式寄存、办证、系统检索配合 LED 信息屏幕对馆内信息进行流动展示,技术的便捷让人们可以轻松获得想要的资讯。
The establishing of spiritual civilization is inseparable from cultural genes. The library expands the dimensions of people’s artistic and literary life, and shapes the in-depth experiences of interactions between human and architecture during the decades. A public library supports people’s spiritual breathing as the lung of city, and heals people of different ages.
The library is equipped with a modern intelligent management system to maintain public order and safety at the entrance and exit, and also provides self-service storage, certificate application, system retrieval and LED screen with rolling information. The convenience of high technology allows people to effortlessly obtain the information they need.
▼功能丰富的图书馆,library with various functions©史云峰
The designer programs the connections of the spaces like a director to assign the positions and moving lines of different roles. The open space plan allows people of different ages and needs to learn, interact and gather together here. The division of the spaces is able to promote multiple ways communication and provide a spatial situation of spontaneous encounters.
▼开放阅览空间,open reading area©史云峰
It has set up a variety of artistic experiences in the youth reading area, as a high-frequency use area. The multi-dimensional video area and the music room are available to experience the leisure time alone if visitors feel exhausted. It has the best sunlight in children’s area. The kids can read in the cave, enjoy audiovisual fun in the children’s cinema, and explore and play safely. In addition to specific functional areas, some areas are reserved for other possibilities in future. The transparency of the architectural material ensures the possibilities of various activities; it reshapes the expression of the space through the opening and closing of the wall. The modular composition allows the space to be flexibly transformed into a gallery, concert hall, recording studio, event area, etc.
▼儿童阅览区,reading area for children©史云峰
▼彩色的书架,colorful bookshelves©史云峰
▼影视体验区,video area©史云峰
▼音乐鉴赏区,music area©史云峰
▼自助研习单元,self learning unit©史云峰
Various activities based on history and culture are staged here. There is a private museum in the library, which displays the historical documents of Zhangjiakou. It gives a close look of history of thousands of years through the small window. It conveys the proper posture of a public building smoothly and accurately without extra visual symbols and image features. The atmosphere of the interior and exterior spaces of the library building and changes in urban life are always concerned by the designer.
▼夜景,night view©史云峰
Zhangjiakou will become an international meeting point during the upcoming Winter Olympics through the cultural communication. It is like a seed that transmits civilization, giving enlightenment to people in modern time. The “architecture of books” is constantly developing and upgrading. It represents the never-ending spiritual construction of people and their cities, although it may not lead to absolute genuine knowledge.
▼一层平面图,first floor plan©天作空间设计
▼二层平面图,second floor plan©天作空间设计
third floor plan
▼四层平面图,fourth floor plan©天作空间设计
▼五层平面图,fifth floor plan©天作空间设计
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