

Korea Baek Oriental clinic
设计方:A.M Architects
这是由A.M Architects设计的Baek Oriental 诊所。在该项目中,建筑师利用建筑理论,让后面高层的各个室内空间均可以共享开放绿色空间,同时克服周边汽车旅馆造成的封闭感。因此,建筑师在立面设计了9个凸起的混凝土开口和2个屋顶花园,这种建筑模式适应了现代的城市生活。
建筑首层地面比门前道路高出1米,这是为了预防周边环境为室内带来不可预见的变化。如果要进入等候厅需要经过通道空间,清新的绿色花园靠近后面,精心的设计考虑到访客的视野,熟悉的材料的运用给人以舒适的心理效果,尤其是其色泽和光线过滤后的氛围。不同大小的单元空间都按照标准化空间进行设计,土地的不确定形式并不受影响,房间的组织结构根据交通流进行了重新分配。 9个凸起的混凝土框设计成随机的尺寸和深度,在前立面上发挥着空间与城市沟通的积极作用。通过它们可以欣赏城市景观,真实而没有一丝装饰,对于外面的行人来说,虽然这种建筑形式是陌生的,但也是很有趣的。
The indeterminate form of the land was the condition that had open and closed double-sidedness at the same time. Its shape was enough to become restrictive factor and narrow at the same time as much as it should have restrictive plan design. It needed the architectural mechanism to share the open green area at the back geologically located in the high level with various areas in the interior space and at the same time to overcome the psychological closed sense of the adjacent motel. So, it was the 9 protruded concrete boxed and two roof-gardens that were utilized as a means to accommodate diverse facts of urban life without filtering.
That the floor of 1st floor was shifted up more than 1 m than the frontal road was the selection to filter the foreseeable changes in the surrounding environment perceived from the interior space. If entering into the waiting hall passing through the access aspace, the flow of the open green area located adjacent to the back by the architectural mechanism for the selective view are refined and unfolded in front of the sight, where the psychological sense of stability is obtained by the familiar materials, feeling of color and the filtered light. Diverse sizes of unit spaces have the standardized sense of space as much as the indeterminate form of the land is not perceived and the rooms organized organically are reorganized matching with the stream of traffic lines. 9 concrete boxes protruded with random size and depth at the front play the active role inside and outside of the space to communicate with the city. The urban landscape seen through it in the interior space comes close to us amplified with the honesty without decoration and for the pedestrian passing outside becomes the architectural mechanism worth to have interests although it is unfamiliar. Two roof-gardens installed at the back become the place for new experience to get the composure in life in the repeated daily life. There, the city, nature shown selectively through the openings with diverse directions and the changes in time and season can be felt constantly. In addition, the psychological closed feeling in the interior space adjacent to the motel at its side is overcome by the angle of diagonal wall curved appropriately according to the form of the land, the restricted position and height of the opening and the opacity of the glasses.
韩国Baek Oriental 诊所外部实景图
韩国Baek Oriental 诊所之阳台实景图
韩国Baek Oriental 诊所外部夜景实景图
韩国Baek Oriental 诊所内部实景图
韩国Baek Oriental 诊所模型图
韩国Baek Oriental 诊所平面图
韩国Baek Oriental 诊所立面图
韩国Baek Oriental 诊所剖面图