

英文名称:Turkey Sivas Stadium
设计公司:Bahadir Kul Architects
Sivas is located in the cold-dry climate region of Turkey, so its winter is strong and the city is under heavy snow in long periods. This parameter is foreground in the design decisions of Sivas Stadium. Energy efficiency is designed according to ecological design criteria, high passive air conditioning measures, active energy production systems, rainwater harvesting and gray water cycle.Due to the fact that stadium is located in a cold climate zone, the building shell is designed to be compact and inward, and this makes a buffer zone for cold winds in the north side of the facade. Creating this kind space in the inner shell to provide thermal insulation with air.
In the summer, reserve covers on the north side are opened, allowing for air transfer between the walls. If the north facade is not exposed to direct sunlight, this part will be colder than the other fronts, and on this side there will be low pressure points between the walls. This will result in a continuous and stable airflow in the wall, which will also reduce the energy used for building cooling actions in the summer.