知末案例   /   家装空间   /   别墅   /   Felipe Hess

巴西 Casa M 住宅的白色建筑美学

2019/04/29 18:31:44
Casa M住宅位于巴西圣保罗,由Felipe Hess设计。该项目是对原业主家庭的住宅进行改造。原建筑经过多次改造,失去了原有的建筑价值,但其在场地上的位置和内部布局是十分合理的。在收购了附近的地块后,有必要对其进行重大改革,并充分变换其内部结构。
Casa M is a minimal residence located in Sao Paulo, Brazil, designed by Felipe Hess. This project consists in a renovation of a residence that already belonged to the owners’ family. The original construction had already undergone several renovations and lost it’s architectural value, but its position on the site and interior distribution with half levels was correct. After the acquisition of the neighbor lot it was necessary a great reform and adequacy updating the interiors of the property. 
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The facade openings have been revisited. Internal walls and one of the stairs were suppressed, and the old gable roof was removed making the rooftop a pleasant space of leisure. The house gained a new relation with the outside area. In the new plot it was designed a new garage, swimming pool, sauna and leisure area. A metal structure was connected to the construction; with a playful character that follows the existing internal levels, it connects the pool, passes through the rooms until reaching the roof, where an elliptical volume was created and houses the technical area and a living environment. It also works as a porch and has a slide and a fireman pole for the kids to go down from the first floor to the ground level. 
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White was chosen as the predominant tone of the design. It appears on the Portuguese mosaic floor of the outside area, on the house internal and external walls and on the metal structure. In the interiors a gray concresteel floor visually connects the levels and dialogues with the ribbed concrete slab that emerged throughout the demolition and was added to the project.
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Casa M 
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Felipe Hess于2012年成立,办事处位于圣保罗
Baseado em Sao Paulo, o escritório foi fundado em 2012 por Felipe Hess e desenvolve trabalhos em várias áreas e escalas, desde mobiliário à edifícios, passando por projetos comerciais, interiores e residenciais. 
A busca por elementos de diferenciacao e o comprometimento com a identidade dos clientes resultam em uma linguagem própria, tornando assim cada projeto único. 
O escritório adota um processo criativo colaborativo onde a relacao entre materialidade e espacialidade é explorada através de croquis, protótipos, maquetes, imagens 3D, além de desenhos amplamente detalhados, que garantem uma execucao sofisticada, independente dos acabamentos. 
事务所的成员都是十分年轻的建筑师,Felipe Hess生于1984年,是一名建筑师,2008年毕业于AEAUSP  -  Escola da Cidade。他曾在Triptyque Architecture和Isay Weinfeld等国际知名设计公司工作,直到他创立了个人的办公室。
Formado por jovens arquitetos,Felipe Hess (Sao Paulo – 1984) é arquiteto formado em 2008 pela AEAUSP – Escola da Cidade. Colaborou em escritórios internacionalmente reconhecidos como Triptyque Architecture e Isay Weinfeld até iniciar escritório próprio.
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