

W Hotel Melbourne
W酒店是万豪国际集团旗下的酒店品牌,其位于408 Flinders Lane的墨尔本第一家豪华生活方式酒店墨尔本W酒店已开门营业。澳大利亚建筑及室内设计公司Hachem将创新元素和品牌故事融入于墨尔本W酒店的设计之中。
W, a hotel brand owned by Marriott International, has opened its doors at Melbourne's first luxury lifestyle hotel, W Melbourne, located at 408 Flinders Lane. Australian architecture and interior design firm Hachem has incorporated innovative elements and brand stories into the design of the W Hotel in Melbourne.
Inspired by the city's diversity and contrasting character, W Melbourne uses a snippet of the Melbourne street to illustrate its design inspiration.
Since the beginning of the last century, human art has broken hundreds of years of copying reality and started to refine and reconstruct things. Whether it is Picasso's cubism or Mies van der Rohe's minimalism, 'refining' and 'reorganizing' as a creative thinking process mean that countless possibilities are happening.
著名建筑事务所SHoP Architects和Woods Bagot打造的两个建筑体在高空被大胆连接,室内则由Hachem站在城市的角度,重新书写酒店生活。于墨尔本,W酒店以绚丽之姿完成一次对城市的解读和更新。
Two buildings by renowned Architects SHoP Architects and Woods Bagot are boldly connected from high above, while the interior is rewritten by Hachem from the perspective of the city. In Melbourne, W Hotel completes a magnificent interpretation and update of the city.
W酒店位于2020年最新完工的综合体Collins Arch内,这个耗资约12.5亿澳币(折合人民币62亿)的项目被视为城中心近年最值得瞩目的地标建筑。
W Hotel is located within the newly completed Collins Arch complex in 2020, which cost around A $1.25 billion (6.2 billion yuan) and is regarded as one of the most notable landmarks in the city centre in recent years.
· 解构城市印象 ·
· Deconstruct Urban Impression ·
Melbourne's first luxury lifestyle hotel - located in the city's edgy and fashionable heart. Hachem, an Australian architecture and interior design firm, brings innovation and brand stories to life by collaging street scenes into a new urban landscape that allows guests to learn about the city's past.
A parametric sequence of timber beams at the top of the bar creates a cocoon of Spaces, with soft layers of colour in the dim light. Specialty restaurant Warabi is limited to 30 seats and a private kitchen for 10, incorporating Melbourne's coffee culture into the bar concept.
The 294 luxurious and stylish guestrooms and 29 suites are inspired by 1960s newsstands on the adjacent street, with details that reflect Melbourne's fascinating history and culture, and each room features floor-to-ceiling Windows with breathtaking views of the skyline at any time.
W酒店标志性的 Extreme Wow 套房面积超过175平方米,向来是诠释经典的代表性设计。套房位于酒店最高层,拥有广阔的大阳台,可以饱览Yarra河的美景。
The W's iconic Extreme Wow Suite, which spans more than 175 square meters, has always been a classic example of design. Suites are located on the highest level of the hotel and have expansive large balconies with views of the Yarra River.
“墨尔本是W品牌展现奢华精神的最佳场所,从其受当地启发的设计,到兼而有之的餐厅和酒吧,它注定要重新定义这里的豪华酒店景观。”万豪国际亚太区品牌营销和品牌管理副总裁Jennie Toh说。
"Melbourne is the perfect place for W Brand to showcase its spirit of luxury, from its locally inspired design to its eccentrically integrated restaurants and bars, which are destined to redefine the luxury hotel landscape here." Jennie Toh, Vice President of Brand Marketing and Brand Management, Asia Pacific, Marriott International.
· 解构艺术,进化生活 ·
Deconstruction of art, evolution of life
· '可呼吸'的顶层豪宅 ·
· 'Breathable' penthouse ·
Collins Arch东西塔互通的连桥住宅区,打造出拥有184套私密的顶层住宅社区。
Collins Arch connects the east and west towers to each other, creating a penthouse community with 184 private units.
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排版 Editor:Tan
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