

Ashiesh Shah Architecture
Ashiesh Shah Architecture是一家总部位于印度孟买的室内设计工作室,由创始人Ashiesh Shah成立。工作室专注于从办公空间和顶层公寓到概念商店和餐馆的设计。
Ashiesh Shah Architecture is an interior design studio based in mumbai, India, founded by founder Ashiesh Shah. The studio focuses on everything from office Spaces and penthouses to concept shops and restaurants.
Ashiesh Shah是印度最著名的建筑师和设计师,以其在建筑与室内设计领域的精湛技艺而闻名。他在2000年中期从帕森斯设计学院毕业,获得室内设计和建筑学位,开始了他在纽约的职业生涯。
Ashiesh Shah is one of India's most famous architects and designers, known for his expertise in architecture and interior design. He began his career in New York in mid-2000 with a degree in interior design and architecture from the parsons school of design.
Ashiesh Shah的实践根植于日本的侘寂哲学,这影响了他对空间的看法和对材料的选择,与他作为建筑世界的鉴赏家的特点产生了共鸣。美学被描述为不完美、无常和不完整的美。
Ashiesh Shah's practice, rooted in the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, influenced his views on space and choice of materials, which resonated with his character as a connoisseur of the architectural world. Aesthetics is described as imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete beauty.