Hong Kong is a city that is hard to define. It is born from the dialogue between tradition and the world, rich and diversified literary and artistic nature, and in the developed commercial environment, formed a charming lifestyle of the urban elite.
"Club C+是我对舒适的家外之家的个人设计演绎,亦是汇聚文人雅士共同品味生活、融合八方精粹的理想场所。"——梁志天
Club C+ is my personal design of a comfortable home away from home. It is also an ideal place to gather literati to taste life together and integrate the best from all directions.
- Steve leung
Club C+所藏艺术品皆为国际巨匠之杰作,包括跨界艺术先驱拉兰、现今举足轻重的中国水墨画大师李华弌、画家周春芽及韩国最具影响力的当代艺术家之一金昌烈等的作品。
Club C+ is a collection of masterpieces by international masters, including cross-border art pioneer Lala Lan, contemporary Chinese ink painting master Li Hua, painter Zhou Chunya, and Kim Chang-yek, one of the most influential contemporary artists in Korea. 01/美的经验 Experience of beauty 感官享受与多元融合的尊贵私人体验空间
Sensory enjoyment and pluralistic integration of noble private experience space
The project is located in the bustling district of Central, is one of the top private clubs in Hong Kong. Mr. Leung Che-tian subtly integrated its unique aesthetics into the space, and the combination of Chinese contemporary design and British style, to create this invisible bar as the inspiration of the foot point, to entertain high-end guests and host private events.
平面设计师陈幼坚手笔的 Club C+标志
Graphic designer Youjian Chen’s Club C+ logo
Following the signs down the steps, you will arrive at the entrance of the club under the black wall. The setting of the moving line is both low-key and mysterious.
Entering the interior, you have a panoramic view of the beautiful stone steps of Duddell Street, with wide floor-to-ceiling Windows lined with layers of apricot filtered glass and Thai bronze and iron frames.
精选 B&B Italia 品牌沙发及扶手椅
Selected B&B Italia sofa and armchair
Natural light can be poured into the room day and night, creating a unique atmosphere, adding a sense of film nostalgia, as if a new interpretation of the classic Hong Kong film scenes.
Designers especially for the space into the contemplation: passers-by through the mirror window, can only dream of the interior glitter; Members can enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the street without fear of prying eyes.
Will so "private" value concept named, for luxury life home to provide quiet and comfortable and private Chang poly space.
Enjoy traditional Cantonese cuisine, top-class wine and rare cigars, or enjoy masterpieces of art, and participate in high-style social and leisure activities.
Li Huayi 李華弌
Pine in Meditation《靜觀》, 2020
Ink and 24K gold leaf on silk 水墨金箔絹本
The design team elaborately divides the interior space into different areas to meet the different needs of members. The elegant and unique interior design is full of charm, so that you can enjoy leisure and private time at any time.
Wooden door can be low-key separation of the two rooms, to retain the maximum flexibility of space. When the door is closed, it forms a Chinese moon door, just like the design of a traditional Chinese garden walk.
02/ 艺术之名 The name of art 缀以艺术气息的雅致时尚享受
Comp is enjoyed with the refined fashion of artistic breath
为将 Club C+打造成城中不可多得的尊贵悠闲体验的私家专属领地,梁志天先生特别协同国际知名灯光设计大师关永权精选一系列极具情调的灯饰与灯效设计,利用灯光变化调动氛围,表达个性化的室内空间,突显会所不拘一格的优雅。
To establish Club C + Chicago in the private domain of the experience of the noble leisure collaborative international lighting design master Mr Steve Leung Tino Kwan featured a series of highly emotional appeal of lighting and lighting effects design, use the lights change to mobilize atmosphere, expressing individualized interior space, highlighting the clubhouse protean grace.
The ingenious lighting design is meticulous and highly effective, which not only gives the space a variety of sensory experience, but also integrates with the design of different space areas and furniture decoration details more subtly. The exquisite design pays tribute to the traditional Oriental and British aesthetics.
Club C+设计优雅富现代感,艺术元素及私密享受为会所最值得称道的两大主要特色。
Club C+ design is elegant and modern. Artistic elements and private enjoyment are the two most praiseworthy main features of the Club.
Lalan 謝景蘭
Untitled《無題》, 1990-1991
Mixed media on paper 綜合媒材紙本
项目名称:Club C+
项目地址:中环都爹利街 13 号乐成行 M1
项目面积:180 平方米
主要材料:B&B Italia 家具 (沙发及扶手椅 ) 、 bespoke 家具(咖啡桌)
标识设计:Alan Chan
灯光设计:Tino Kwan 关永权
摄影:Courtesy of Steve Leung Design Group, Ltd. & Amanda Kho
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国际著名建筑、室内及产品设计师梁志天先生出生于中国香港,拥有超过 30 年的设计经验,以现代设计风格见称,善于将饶富亚洲文化及艺术元素融入其作品中,曾 15 度入选被誉为室内设计奥斯卡的 Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖,并于 2015 年勇夺“全球年度设计师”的殊荣。
▲德国摩根 x 梁志天品牌形象片“心之所向,非凡之境”
梁志天先生创立的梁志天设计集团,为全球领先的室内设计企业,在美国室内设计杂志《Interior Design》“全球百大室内设计师事务所排名研究报告”中,荣登“住宅范畴”全球第一位,于 2016–2020 年间四度获奖,并于 2020 年全球总排名榜位列第 20 位。集团现为亚洲最大规模的室内设计公司之一,双总部位于香港及上海,并在北京及广州设有分公司。逾 500 人的团队精英拥有丰富的设计及管理经验,项目遍布全球 100 多个城市,为客户提供高质量的设计方案。公司在 2018 年于香港联交所主板上市(股份代码:2262),为首家在香港上市的纯设计公司。