

公司: Ateliereen Architecten
类型: 景观 | 艺术
地区: 荷兰
“ RijnWaalpad”隧道是在阿纳姆(Arnhem)和奈梅亨(Nijmegen)之间进行快速骑行的路线,是一条舒适而安全的步行骑行道,在A15高速公路下的隧道中。Ateliereen设计了一个互动式灯光装置,鼓励人们更多地使用自行车道,并奖励骑自行车的人。
The "RijnWaalpad" is a fast cycling route between Arnhem and Nijmegen which offers a comfortable and safe track. In the tunnel -under highway A15- Ateliereen designed an interactive light sculpture, which encourages greater use of the bicycle route and rewards cycling together.
The sculpture is a network of LED units which can light up in various colours. If many cyclists go through the tunnel at the same time, more colours will appear. Also one can use an app: The Bicycle Buddy. With the app you can choose a favourite colour. By passing the tunnel more often you can collect more colours to choose from. In this way cycling on the RijnWaalpad is rewarded.
© Ateliereen Architecten
© Ateliereen Architecten
The shape of the artwork is inspired by the logo of the RijnWaalpad, which in turn is derived from the bicycle chain. It consists of chains of white coated steel with a LED unit that can light up in any colour, each individually controllable. A total of three hundred LED units, placed on walls and ceiling of the tunnel, decorate the one hundred meters long tunnel.Through this interactive light sculpture you get a colourful and positive experience in the tunnel!
© Ateliereen Architecten
© Ateliereen Architecten
设计单位:Ateliereen Architecten
项目客户:Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen / municipality of Lingewaard
灯光顾问:CLS LED, Bemmel
Completed :2015
Client : Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen / municipality of Lingewaard
Contractor: CLS LED, Bemmel