ReEmerge装置艺术丨英国伦敦丨AA EmTech与Hassell事务所

2021/12/06 10:16:36
建筑联盟学院(AA)、新兴技术与设计(EmTech)的研究生项目和伦敦的 Hassell 事务所一起合作在贝德福德广场建造了一个新的临时装置艺术。建筑联盟学院的 EmTech 研究生课程在设计和建造建筑和装置艺术方面有着悠久的历史。今年的装置艺术名为 Re-Emerge,这是自疫情爆发以来,学生们第一次可以紧密合作,制造和组装一个完整、全尺寸的结构。在这次合作中,Hassell 事务所向学生们提出了挑战,要求他们将项目的碳足迹保持在绝对最低水平,因此该项目将只使用再生木材。
Architectural Association (AA) Emergent Technologies & Design (EmTech) Post-Graduate Programme and Hassell in London collaborated to create a new pavilion in Bedford Square. EmTech Post-Graduate Programme at the Architectural Association has a long history in designing and creating structures and pavilions. This year’s pavilion is titled Re-Emerge and is the first time since the pandemic that the students could closely work together, fabricate and assemble a full-scale structure. For this collaboration, Hassell gave the students the challenge to keep the carbon footprint of the project to an absolute minimum and therefore only use reclaimed timber.
▼装置概览,GeneralView©Studio Naaro
ReEmerge装置艺术丨英国伦敦丨AA EmTech与Hassell事务所-3
Hassell 事务所的负责人泽维尔·德·凯斯特利耶(Xavier De Kestelier)说:“学生们真的用全盘接受了我们的挑战,并很早就决定用重新回收的木托盘的木材来建造这个装置艺术。”Re-Emerge 这一装置艺术探索了新的设计以及新的施工技术,将已经完成第一个生命周期的材料重新用于创新的结构形式。该项目涉及生成性设计、材料计算、大规模制造和组装技术等主题,强调装置艺术从设计过程早期阶段所产生的的生态影响。Re-Emerge 复兴了在贝德福德广场进行建造的传统,这是 AA 的学术项目之一,与来自实践界的合作伙伴之间合作,以实地检验的想法的可行性并畅想新的可能性。
Xavier De Kestelier, Head of Design at Hassell said: “The students really took on the challenge with both hands and decided early on to build the pavilion out of timber from reclaimed wooden pallets.” The Re-Emerge pavilion explored new design and construction technologies that repurpose materials which have completed their first life cycle towards innovative structural formations. The project addressed themes of generative design, material computation, large-scale fabrication and assembly technologies, emphasising the pavilion’s ecological impact from the early phases of the design process onwards. Re-emerge revived the tradition of building on Bedford Square as a collaboration between an academic programme at the AA and partners from the world of practice, to test ideas at scale and imagine new possibilities.
▼外观近景,Closer View©Studio Naaro
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EmTech 项目主任 Elif Erdine 博士说:“与 Hassell 事务所的合作成功地展示了学术界和实践界如何结合在一起,为复杂的空间构成和材料问题找到新的解决方案。在我们其他赞助商 BuroHappold Engineering 和 One Click LCA 的支持下,EmTech 和 Hassell 探索了重新利用木材的新设计和施工技术。”她补充说:“作为设计师、建筑师和工程师,我们都有责任在设计和建造时保持对环境的关注。我们对建筑垃圾如何成为一种有用资源的共同洞察力,促使我们发起了这项研究,将木材重新用于轻质的户外建筑,同时也强调了该项目在设计过程的早期阶段对生态的影响。”
Dr. Elif Erdine, Director of the EmTech Program said: “This collaboration with Hassell demonstrates a successful illustration of how academia and practice can come together to discover novel solutions to complex spatial and material problems. With the support of our other sponsors, BuroHappold Engineering and One Click LCA, EmTech and Hassell explored new design and construction technologies for repurposing timber.”She added: “As designers, architects, and engineers, we share the responsibility to maintain a mindful approach towards our environment while designing and building. Our mutual insight into how construction waste can be a useful resource has originated this research into repurposing timber for an outdoor structure that is lightweight, emphasising the project’s ecological impact from the early phases of the design process.”
▼装置与情境,Installation and Situation ©Studio Naaro
ReEmerge装置艺术丨英国伦敦丨AA EmTech与Hassell事务所-11
建筑垃圾是可用的。Construction waste is useful.木材天生就是最好的生态友好制造和可降解材料;它是可再生的、可迅速恢复的,并且经久耐用。当一座木制建筑在几十年后被拆除时,它不会产生无用的垃圾,而是会产生回收的木材,拆卸后可以再利用和重新利用,从而成为循环体系的一部分。Re-Emerge 是用重新回收的 A 级木托盘制造的,这是 AEC 行业中最丰富的可再利用木材之一。可回收的木托盘通常最终会被填埋或作为燃料焚烧。取而代之的是,它们的结构和形态能力在 Re-Emerge 项目中被探索和利用。该项目中的回收托盘是从伦敦内外的各种木材回收设施收集的。
Wood is inherently the best bio-fabricated and biodegradable material; it is renewable, resilient, and lasts for a long time. When a timber building is demolished after several decades, it does not produce useless waste, but instead generates reclaimed wood that can be re-used and re-purposed in other applications after disassembly, hence becoming part of the circular economy. Re-Emerge was created with grade A reclaimed wood pallets, one of the most abundant re-used timber elements in the AEC industry. Reclaimed timber pallets generally end up in landfill or burnt as fuel. Instead, their structural and morphological capacities were explored and exploited in Re-Emerge. Reclaimed pallets were collected from various timber recycling facilities in and outside London.
▼装置均由再生木材构成©Studio Naaro The installation is made of reclaimed timber
ReEmerge装置艺术丨英国伦敦丨AA EmTech与Hassell事务所-15
Xavier de Kestelier 解释说:“在过去的几十年里,建筑师们经常把重点放在建筑物的性能表现和尽量减少建筑物的运营过程中的碳排放上。但是,随着应对气候变化的需要更加迫切,我们也需要关注具体化低碳。对于学生来说,Re-Emerge 是一个很好的方式让他们开始将这种方法融入到他们的设计中。”
Xavier De Kestelier explains: “For the last couple of decades architects have often focussed on performance of buildings and minimising operational carbon in buildings. But with the need to tackle climate change more urgently we also need to look at embodied carbon. Re-Emerge was a great way for the students to start embedding this approach in their design.”
▼装置底部用作座位©Studio Naaro
The bottom of the installation is used as seats
ReEmerge装置艺术丨英国伦敦丨AA EmTech与Hassell事务所-20
Re-Emerge 的结构系统是由菱形模块木材组成的,这些模块是通过打孔和有雕刻切痕托盘木所创建的。这些菱形模块被组织成结构肋,然后用搭接接头组装,从而减少了细木工系统对二次材料的需求。该系统可以同时承受垂直和水平布置的载荷。
The structural system for RE-EMERGE was comprised of volumetric timber diamond shaped modules that were created by scoring and kerfing wood pallets. The diamond modules were organised into structural ribs, which were then assembled with lap joints; thereby diminishing the need for secondary materials in the joinery system. The system could sustain loads in vertical and horizontal arrangements.
▼结构系统由菱形模块木材组成©Studio Naaro
The structural system is comprised of volumetric timber diamond shaped modules
ReEmerge装置艺术丨英国伦敦丨AA EmTech与Hassell事务所-27
复杂性源于简单。Complexity arises from simplicity.
在这个项目中,我们的目标是探索简单是如何产生复杂性的。这一目标通过雕刻和蒸汽弯曲形成的相似模块的可变聚合所实现。该项目的另一个目标是减少细木工系统中对二次材料的需求,这个决定导致我们在整个结构中使用桥接工艺这一方式。”Elif Erdine 博士说。
“In this project we aimed to explore how complexity can arise from simplicity. This was adopted by the variable aggregation of similar modules that are formed by scoring and steam-bending. A further ambition of the project was to diminish the need for secondary materials in the joinery system, and this decision has led us to work with lap joinery throughout the structure.” explains Elif Erdine.
▼桥接工艺,The Joinery System ©Studio Naaro
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The conscious attitude of the project towards the environment was maintained in its fabrication and instalment.
EmTech 工作室主任 Milad Showkatbakhsh 博士解释说:“在我们的计算工作流程中,生命周期评估(LCA)被用作设计驱动因素,这使我们不仅能够考虑与材料本身相关的二氧化碳排放,而且还考虑到它的来源和运输到现场过程中所产生的碳排放。”
EmTech 的工作室导师 Eleana Polychronaki 解释说:“装置艺术也有一款专门的应用程序供参观者使用。AR 应用程序允许用户了解展馆的生命周期评估详情,有关装置艺术设计和制造过程的信息,以及各种可视化选项等,包括装置艺术的 AR 投影。这款应用程序还显示了用于建筑的再生木材的故事,它来自哪里,以及它的第一个生命周期是什么。”
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the reclaimed timber planks employed for the construction highlights insightful information for the preliminary design phase. Analysis of most plywood types used for external construction versus solid timber planks demonstrates that CO2 emissions of plywood is significantly higher than solid planks during the preparation stage.Dr. Milad Showkatbakhsh, studio master at EmTech explains: “The employment of life cycle assessment (LCA) in our computational workflows as a design driver has enabled us to take into consideration CO2 emissions associated with not only the material itself, but also its origins and transportation to site.” Eleana Polychronaki, studio tutor at EmTech explains: “There is also a dedicated app for the visitors of the pavilion. The Augmented Reality app allows users to find out about the Life Cycle Assessment of the pavilion, information on its design and fabrication processes, as well as various visualisation options, including a scaled AR projection of the pavilion. The app also shows the story of the reclaimed timber that is used for construction, where it came from, and what its first life cycle was”
▼细部 1,Detail 1©Studio Naaro
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木材的第三次生命 Third Life
该装置艺术于 10 月 29 日至 11 月 25 日在建筑联盟学院对面的贝德福德广场角落向公众开放。在它的第二个生命周期结束时,Re – Emerge 将被拆除。展馆的一部分建在伦敦的 Hassell 办公室,一部分被送回木材回收设施,那里是它的来源。Re – Emerge 的雄心是在当地木材行业及其副产品之间建立强有力的对话,并向世界展示利用建筑垃圾创建创新的木材建筑,同时保持对环境的谨慎态度的可行性。
The pavilion was open to the public on the corner of Bedford Square right opposite the Architectural Association from 29 October to 25 November. At the end of its second lifecycle, Re-Emerge was disassembled. Part of the pavilion was erected in the Hassell offices in London and part of it was sent back to the timber recycling facilities where it was sourced from. The ambition of Re-Emerge was to create a strong dialogue between the local timber industry and its by-products, and to demonstrate to the world that innovative timber architecture can be created with construction waste, while maintaining a mindful approach towards our environment.
▼细部 2,Detail 2©Studio Naaro
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项目名称:Re-Emerge 装置艺术,一个 AA(EmTech)和 Hassell 事务所的合作项目
设计方:AA EmTech 与 Hassell 事务所
项目设计 & 完成年份:2021
主创及设计团队:AA EmTech
建筑面积:25 平方米
摄影版权:Naaro 工作室
合作方:Hassell 事务所
品牌:Reclaimed Timber Pallets (Material)
Project name: Re-Emerge Pavilion, a collaboration between AA [EmTech] and Hassell
Design: AA EmTech and Hassell Studio
Design year & Completion Year: 2021
Leader designer & Team: AA EmTech
Project location: Bedford Sq, London, UK
Gross Built Area: 25 sqm
Photo credits: Studio Naaro
Partners: Hassell Studio
Brands: Reclaimed Timber Pallets (Material)
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