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西班牙 Alaberga 区高架步行桥设计

2018/02/12 16:53:07
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There are projects that overlap different scales, despite at first sight seem inconjugable; scales that impact the city but that fasten its architecture in constructive matter. City is urban form, urban mesh, public and private, even the population who inhabits the city. The aging of the population is an undeniable reality indeed. In our society, 9 million people are over 65 years old. In 2050, its growth could make reach 15 million, that is, 1 out of 3 citizens could be over 65 years old. Impacts and effects on health, economy or sociology.. are more than evident, but, how will be the impact on our cities?
Alaberga quartier in Errenteria, Gipuzkoa, was built in the 60s, in full industrial development, to accommodate a large number of people the fastest way possible. The pitched topography divided the settlement into two different areas: one in the lower level organized around the church, with linear blocks that generate blocks and streets; and another area with disseminated buildings that climb the hillsides, leaving the steepest areas empty. Nowadays Errenteria has extended to the highest point, surrounding that empty space as an urban green area that divides the township, with a difference of level of more than 40 meters between them.
▼被分割的小镇,在两部电梯和一条步行道的帮助下重新获得了连接,the split town is reconnected by the pedestrians through two urban lifts
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A split town, which can be reconnected for the pedestrians through two urban lifts, which are linking all important levels, intermediate roads, accesses to the Church or close residences. As well as that of a new path that lets get in a block of 6 portals and 42 flats at the same level of the doorway, without having to climb a narrow and 10-meter stairs to the doorway. This intervention can only be explained from the urban point of view, as a direct solution to the obsolescent city scheme that was designed in the past for another profile of inhabitant. Nowadays it becomes unacceptable for a large majority of citizens.
▼高架步行桥平面连接图,plan of the pedestrian
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On the other hand the proposal must be specified and respond to the place where it is located. The project puts the focus and intensity on controlling the perception of these two infrastructures that cross the hillside. That residual space, given to nature due to its extreme conditions for building, is an urban physical barrier but also a green lung of great value that must be preserved. An extensive deciduous forest whose appearance radically changes from summer to winter, creating different perceptions of a new place.
▼跨越山坡的步行桥,the pedestrian  bridge
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The faceted planes of both structures and their mirror polished aluminum cladding, claims a direct relationship with that changing environment. To play with fun with the mechanisms that govern the perception of the spectator supposes for the architects the possibility of organizing a new world of surprises or imbalances that challenges the security of the previous knowledge of the world. In the end, perception is nothing but the way in which our brain interprets the different stimuli it receives through the senses, to form an aware impression of the reality of the context through which we move. The reflections and overlays of roofs, clouds, branches and leaves become the material itself of towers and footbridges.Somehow the landscape seems to flow, taking possession of the built volume, blurring its boundaries, varying its mass. We don´t know for sure la if the landscape has reabsorbed the architecture, or on the contrary, it´s the constructed architecture which has appropriated the nature.
▼亮面桥身映射周围环境,the polished aluminum cladding reflecting the surroundings
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▼周围环境中的屋顶,云朵,舒适和树叶的形象化身成为塔楼和天桥的素材与装点,the reflections and overlays of roofs, clouds, branches and leaves become the material itself of towers and footbridges
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▼夜景,night view
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Promotor: Ayuntamiento de Errenteria / Errenteriako udala
Competition, Project and supervision works: VAUMM arkitektura
C/ Aldapeta, nº 32 Oficina 01- Dcha. – 20009 – DONOSTIA.
Budget, Quality supervision and Technical Architect: Julen Rozas Elizalde
Structural calculation: Ingeniería Lanchas
Health and Safety: bategin
Photography: Aitor Ortiz / Aitor Estévez
Construction: Campezo
Budget: 1.725.000 €
Location: Errenteria, Gipuzkoa
Date: competition 1st prize june 2015. Project may 2016. Works finished december 2017.
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