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诗歌基金会 · 花园中的诗意空间

2016/12/02 06:39:51
The new home of the Poetry Foundation, located in the River North neighborhood of Chicago, is comprised of a building in dialogue with a garden. The garden space is created through erosion of an implied volume as described by the L-shaped property boundary of the site, resulting in a relationship whereby the enclosed building spaces interlock with the exterior spaces of the garden. In this manner, the garden is implied as another“room” of the building, and part of the building’s slowly-unfolding spatial sequence, which is revealed space by space as a poem is revealed, line by line.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
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▼锌材构成了最外围的墙壁,the outer layer of zinc cladding becomes perforated
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▼临街近景,street view
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▼主入口,main entrance
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Visitors reach the building by walking through the garden, which is a conceived of as an urban sanctuary, a space that mediates between the street and the building, blurring the hard distinctions between public and private. Upon entering the garden, visitors perceive the double height library space that borders the garden, announcing that they are entering into a literary environment. Inside the building, an exhibition gallery connects the library to the poetry reading room where poets read their work to an audience against the backdrop of the garden. Public functions—the poetry reading room, a gallery, and library—are located on the building’s ground floor, while offices space devoted to foundation administration, Poetry magazine/website staff, and programs staff are located on the second floor, which is configured to allow views into the garden from above.
▼来访者在进入建筑前要先从花园中经过,visitors reach the building by walking through the garden
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▼围绕着花园分布的双层图书馆, the double height library space that borders the garden
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▼从室内望向花园,the garden seen from the internal space
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▼夜景,night view
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▼诗歌阅读室,诗人们会在此处背对着花园为听众们朗读他们的作品,the poetry reading room where poets read their work to an audience against the backdrop of the garden
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▼展览空间,exhibition gallery
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▼阅读区,reading area
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Tectonically, the building is conceived of as a series of material layers (zinc, glass, and wood) that visitors move through and between to experience the building. The outer layer of zinc cladding becomes perforated where it borders the garden, allowing visual access to the garden from the street to encourage public investigation. Inside the garden, the zinc screen wall serves to internalize the garden experience and provide a sense of removal, preparing visitors for the experience inside. The black color of the oxidized zinc connotes seriousness and authority, while lending the building an enigmatic and mysterious quality, befitting a building devoted to the art form of poetry.
▼黑色的氧化锌材料展现出一种认真和威严的感觉,the black color of the oxidized zinc connotes seriousness and authority while lending the building an enigmatic and mysterious quality
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▼立面细部,detail of the facade
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▼入口台阶,stair of the entrance
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▼锌墙系统示意图,black zinc system diagram
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▼花园系统示意图,garden system diagram
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▼玻璃幕墙系统示意图,glass wall system diagram
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▼木墙系统示意图,wood system diagram
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▼场地平面图,site plan
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▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
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▼二层平面图,second floor plan
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photo credits: ©Steve Hall ©Hedrich Blessing
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