通常我们所使用的公共厕所都太简单和乏味了。因此,设计师给Kortrijk XPO的公共厕所做了一些新设计。将公厕的墙壁,地板和天花板铺满白色瓷砖,整个空间变得干净通透。纯白的瓷砖平铺至隔间活动门,褶皱的门让洗手间增加了一丝活跃的气氛。
Typically, public toilets are simple and rather boring. We chose to take the fair experience in Kortrijk XPO into the toilets. By lining all the walls, floors and ceilings with square white tiles, the rooms feel clean and light. At the height of the toilet doors, the tiles tear away from the wall, after which they continue visually on the pleated doors.
▼折叠门板,folded tiles sketch
type: public space
client: kortrijk xpo
size: 50m2
date: 2015
photos: cafeine.be
English text: FIVE AM