

Give the lanes your quiet steps
Listen to the dews tickling your feet
Somewhere among the twigs, there is peace
There is beauty somewhere amid the trees
▼建筑与花园,the house and the garden ©Sergey Makhno
第一个故事,关于春天 | The first story. About spring
▼建筑外观,external view of the house©Sergey Makhno
▼透过落地窗看到建筑中的艺术藏品,view of the art collections in the house through the large window©Sergey Makhno
▼艺术收藏品和细部,art collections and detaisl©Sergey Makhno
And then, there was a garden. Serhii wanted to have his own cherry orchard near the house to talk to the trees, listen to the bees buzzing and remember his childhood.
花园,garden©Sergey Makhno
Thus, Japanese maples and cherry trees met traditional Ukrainian zoomorphic pottery and contemporary art. The land generously accepted 250 tons of stones arranged traditionally as in Japanese gardens — where it is believed that the stone itself must choose where to lie. So the wasteland disappeared and the birds chirped.
This is the beginning.
▼铺满石材的地面,land covered by stones©Sergey Makhno
第二个故事,关于夏天 | The second story. About summer
More than 200 inhabitants of the garden wake up with the first sunbeams: rhododendron, sakura, Japanese maples, firs, thuja, hydrangeas, and their relatives. Under the trees, there is an artificial lake with carps and turtle Vira.
人工湖,artificial lake©Sergey Makhno
Every resident has their own laws and rules. Together they are one ecosystem that feeds the body and spirit.
This is harmony.
▼阳光、树影和艺术品,sun, shadow and art works©Sergey Makhno
第三个故事,关于秋天 | The third story. About autumn
It’s getting colder. The trees give way to ceramic heroes — their time has come. The designer rabbits run around the garden and collect fallen leaves. Ceramic heads DUMA resonate with heroes that no one has seen before — they are hidden somewhere between the bushes. Autumn sways the water in the lake.
This is art.
▼秋季凋零的草木,withered plants in the autumn©Sergey Makhno
各种各样的艺术品,various art works©Sergey Makhno
▼植物掩映下的雕塑,sculptures in the bushes©Sergey Makhno
第四个故事,关于冬天 | The fourth story. About winter
Nothing better describes a winter garden than silence.
冬季花园和住宅,the garden and the house in the winter©Sergey Makhno
Everything falls asleep to wake up next spring.
This is beauty.
▼安静的湖水,silent lake©Sergey Makhno
▼冬季建筑细部,details of the building in the winter©Sergey Makhno
▼冬季花园中的艺术品,art works in the winter©Sergey Makhno