庭院之家丨西班牙丨Martín Peláez

2021/03/31 18:56:25
该项目是L & A的愿望,即为二人打造独特的家,使它既开放又能接待客人。他们想要明亮、自由且不带偏见的家,因此找到设计师进行设计。该项目对住宅进行了彻底的改造,其设计理念是将曼切戈庭院引入室内,并对它最具特色的元素进行重新诠释,分别是红色瓷砖地面、白色墙壁、釉面砖以及大量植物。
El Patio en Casa is L & A’s desire to create a unique home for two, yet open and able to receive every-one. They were searching for a bright, free and non-judgemental home. Hence, they let us act. It is a comprehensive housing reform project, whose main idea seeks to introduce the Manchego patio at home, reinterpreting several of its most characteristic elements. The red ceramic flooring, whitewashed walls, glazed tiles and an endless number of plants.
▼玄关,porch © Imagina Studio
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A material and visual continuum is generated from the bathrooms to the outdoor terrace spaces. The light, the air, the facilities and our gaze navigate the space uninterrupted. The project exposes existing elements such as structures and concrete slabs, and intervenes in two strokes with a new curved geometry on the raw and white space. The house is 70% open space and 30% closed space.The open space is made up of the living-dining-kitchen-study, directly linked to the two outdoor areas. Furthermore, plants have the task of helping to create small environments.
▼客厅,living room © Imagina Studio
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▼厨房与餐厅, kitchen and dining room © Imagina Studio
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▼裸露的混凝土结构,exposed concrete structure © Imagina Studio
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▼从封闭空间望向开放空间,view from closed space to open space © Imagina Studio
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The closed space is made up of two rooms that can be used as a double bedroom, two twin bath-rooms and a secondary storage space. In section, its outer limit plays with the inability to reach and touch the ceiling.
▼封闭空间外边缘与天花分离 © Imagina Studio the outer limit of the closed space is separated from the ceiling
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▼弧形墙壁,curved walls © Imagina Studio
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▼卧室,bedroom © Imagina Studio
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▼浴室与绿植,bathroom and plants © Imagina Studio
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White floods all vertical surfaces, ceiling and installations, combined with the terracotta which invades the entire floor of the house from the entrance to the shower. Only one type of pavement covers the entire home. The steel and concrete structure is left exposed in the open area.
▼陶土铺地,terracotta pavement © Imagina Studio
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▼白色表面,white surfaces © Imagina Studio
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从第一天起,L & A就表示有兴趣介绍一些他们修复过的百年家具,正如他们所说,如果这些椅子能说话,它们就能在这个庭院之家诉说大量的故事。
From day one, L & A expressed their interest in introducing some furniture pieces of over a hundred years old that they had restored themselves. As they say, if these chairs could speak, the amount of stories that could be told in this patio, at home.
▼平面图,floor plan © Martín Peláez
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Design: Martín Peláez
Client: Private L & A
Construction Manager: Juanjo Montejano
Facilities Consultant: Esdicain Edificación
Photography: Imagina Studio
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