德国 BaghousegolfclubHetzenhof | 木质结构高尔夫俱乐部设计

2022/02/07 06:35:11
A building made of wood offers enough space for golf bags and electric golf cars: a reduction in construction time was made possible by pre-assemply. The building can be extended by adding an additional floor, if necessary.
The object is a 30 x 10 metre structure, which was built in 2020 in solid and wooden construction. The building serves the local golf club for the storage of golf equipment and offers parking facilities for electrically operated golf carts. The basement was planned as a reinforced concrete structure, the ground floor and upper floor as an attached wooden structure with a frontal wooden lamella facade.
In the basement there is a garage for approx. 23 golf carts. In extension of the garage, an additional room offers sufficient space for further storage cabinets of golf equipment. This floor was developed by an access from the car park to the east and a staircase to the west. On the ground floor there are approx. 170 special boxes for storing golf equipment, which even provide charging options for electric caddies. This use captured the entire floor and is a central component of the new building.
The building was produced in such a way that, if necessary, a false ceiling could be inserted to create an additional floor. This extension would provide flexible useful
areas, for storing another golf equipment for example. The floor can be accessed by an exterior ramp from the south and by a staircase to the west.
德国 BaghousegolfclubHetzenhof | 木质结构高尔夫俱乐部设计-5
德国 BaghousegolfclubHetzenhof | 木质结构高尔夫俱乐部设计-6
德国 BaghousegolfclubHetzenhof | 木质结构高尔夫俱乐部设计-7
德国 BaghousegolfclubHetzenhof | 木质结构高尔夫俱乐部设计-8
德国 BaghousegolfclubHetzenhof | 木质结构高尔夫俱乐部设计-9
德国 BaghousegolfclubHetzenhof | 木质结构高尔夫俱乐部设计-10
德国 BaghousegolfclubHetzenhof | 木质结构高尔夫俱乐部设计-11
德国 BaghousegolfclubHetzenhof | 木质结构高尔夫俱乐部设计-12
德国 BaghousegolfclubHetzenhof | 木质结构高尔夫俱乐部设计-13
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