Bathing is a kind of spiritual life. In ancient Rome, bath design was comparable to the church. The incredible detail of the interior forms a contrast with the ideal bath now. The harmonious proportion, the concise geometry, and the different texture of the space accomplished a contemporary artwork.
▼项目外观,external view of the project ©邵峰
“光能凭空造型,勾勒出物体的轮廓;也能打破造型,分割僵硬沉重的空间。” 从路易斯·康到安藤忠雄,从万神庙到光之教堂,古今东西方建筑师对光的向往都镌刻在伟大的建筑作品中。杭州曲水兰亭的设计以“光”为核心,透过天窗这道“缝隙”来分隔空间,并赋予不同材质以丰富的表情。这些“缝隙”是天光的通道,也是设计师的画笔刻刀。
Light can depict the edge and draw the silhouette of an object, it can also partition space to bring fluidity into an area. The design team of Hangzhou Qushui-Lanting (The Meandering Water at Lan Pavilion) explores the relationship between water and light with their exquisite design concept. The ultimate goal is to create a balanced environment to meet people’s physical and spiritual needs. With ‘light’ at its core, the design uses vertical skylights to partition space. When the light touches different materials in various shades and forms, it not only defines the boundaries but also conveys the logic of the space, creating a connection between the indoors and the outdoors.
▼酒店入口,entrance of the hotel ©邵峰
Water, a key element of the space, reflects the light at distinct angles at different times of a day, representing the interaction between the dynamic and static states of the space. Through the interplay of light and shadow, people can see the passage of time and experience a moment of tranquility.
▼大堂,光线从狭窄的切口处射下,lobby, light shining done through the cuts ©邵峰
▼接待台,reception ©邵峰
Besides, the designer also organizes the spatial sequence through light. From the waterscape of the building, walking into the narrow and high space which is limited by the walls on both sides, then get into the open atrium with skylight. The experience of being such an alternating space between light and dark, narrow, and wide seems to awaken personal emotions.
▼通往中庭的窄道,narrow passage connecting to the atrium ©邵峰
空间 “纵”“横”
Not only modernism, but geometry is also actually an on-going topic in the field of architecture, which is a logical thought more than a design element or language. The design team of Qushui-Lanting used geometry to partition the volume and implemented this logical thought into the interior and furniture design details. The total area of Qushui-Lanting is nearly 9000 square meters, the skylight is 11 meters high above the floor. The designer divides this huge volume into seven distinct and interconnected chunks, which are distributed side by side.
▼中庭,弧形墙面划分空间,atrium, space defined by curved walls ©邵峰
▼天窗照亮中庭,方形连续空间与柔和的金色插件相结合,space illuminated by skylights, combination of the continuous square space and golden installations ©邵峰
The building uses the longitudinal visual language, which is emphasized by the continuous ribbon – brass and long vertical skylight, and the key point; atrium. It has been clearly pointed out the function zoning. The abundant visual effect in the atrium on account of the gentle and elegant brass sculpture.
▼天窗划分的浴池,indoor pool divided by skylight ©邵峰
▼从湿蒸区看向浴池,view to the indoor pool from the steam room ©邵峰
▼更衣区,changing area ©邵峰
当这些面积大小不一、表面肌理各异的体块再受到光线的切割时,整个光影空间似乎就变为了一组艺术装置——如同法国雕塑家Xavier Veilhan的构成作品,抽象的几何雕塑中每个单元之间的比例、色彩都经过精心推敲,在光的“赋活”中倍加生动。正如设计师所说:“我不是要在空间内放置一两件艺术作品,而是要艺术成为空间的一部分。”这种用做艺术雕塑的方式做建筑的想法,也延续到了空间里的家具设计中。入口大厅与中庭内的沙发或边桌,其实就是缩小版的建筑模型——完全的几何形态,细致的包边与镂空,考究的比例关系,设计师对建筑品质的要求也如实地体现在其细节中。
When the light touches the different surface, the various texture makes the whole space seems to become a set of abstract sculpture. As the French sculptor Xavier Veilhan said, “I don’t want to put one or two pieces of art in the space, I want art to be part of the space.” The thought of creating an artistic sculpture is used to the spatial design as well as the furniture in the space. The sofa in the entrance hall and atrium are actually miniature architectural models; geometric forms, delicate edges, and exquisite proportions. The design details are showing everywhere in space.
▼天窗下的通道连接餐厅,passage under the skylight connecting to the restaurant ©邵峰
▼走廊空间,corridor ©邵峰
▼餐厅,restaurant ©邵峰
▼休息区,lounge ©邵峰
Practical Art
打磨精良的黄铜以体块的形式呈现在空间中,已不仅仅作为空间材料来使用,也成为雕塑艺术品展示在空间里,打破了设计的局限与界限。 它既是独立的,又和空间相互交融。自然而然带动着空间的节奏,编排出整个灰色材质空间的导视系统,成为空间的“指南针”。黄铜,作为精神与物质的并存体,其金属材质具有光的温度,金属与光,光与水承载着整个空间,展现其个性的同时,奏乐出空间独特的气质。
Brass is used as a material, its elegant and dramatic shape makes it become a piece of artwork. The goal is to break the boundaries and limitations of design. Brass is independent as a sculpture art but as a wall that connects with space. It drives the rhythm and arranges the guidance system for the entire gray tone of spatial design. Naturally, becoming a “compass” of the space. In a sense, the reflection of brass has the feature of natural light. The relationship between metal, light, and water is showing each personality, and playing a unique spiritual temperament in the space.
▼黄铜插件细部,details of the brass installations ©邵峰
▼空间中的光与影,light and shadows in the space
▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©对角线设计
▼标准层平面图,typical floor plan ©对角线设计
▼剖面图,section ©对角线设计
Project Name: Hangzhou Qushui-Lanting Resort Hotel
Design: DJX Design Studio
Design & Completion Year: May 2018 to Dec 2019
Leader Designer & Team: Bing Wang(founder), Rong Peng,Tao Lu
Project Location: Building E1, Qianjiang Central Park, Guanlan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang.
Gross Built Area: 8800㎡
Photo Credits: Feng Shao