

The idea is to create a Zen space hidden in nature by bamboo architecture, which inspires people to seek the plainness and simplicity beyond urban life in the original materials and environment. Although it is small and refined, the traditional bamboo technology and design are perfectly interpreted here, which makes people inspired by the original ecological nature and harmony when they come there for the first time.
▼茶廊鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the tea lounge ©凌霄阳
“赵州问僧 / 曾到此间么
僧答 / 曾到
赵州曰 / 吃茶去
又问一僧,僧答 / 不曾到
赵州曰 / 吃茶去 ”
According to the profound allusion of “go and drink tea” in tea history, “tea lounge” is not only a simple resting space, but also a real reflection of rural life.
▼茶廊远景,distant view of the tea lounge ©孙源
▼区位,location ©陈健胜
▼场地现状,site condition ©周安宇
▼景观条件,landscape condition ©周安宇
This project is located in the cultural Memorial Park of Longyuan, Anji and in the bamboo forest between the two reception centers. We are required to create a space close to nature here as a supplement to the tourist reception and logistics center. How to protect the original ecology as much as possible has become a problem in our design.
▼茶廊俯视图远景,项目位于竹林中,distant aerial view of the tea lounge that is located in the bamboo forest ©凌霄阳
▼茶廊俯视图近景,close aerial view of the tea lounge ©叶子超
▼形体生成,form generation ©陈健胜
▼屋架仰视,look up at the roof ©陈健胜
The bayberry trees in the original site will be preserved, and a relatively sparse area of vegetation in the bamboo forest will be reclaimed. We open an entrance from the wooden plank road, and use eight bamboo roof trusses to support the arc-shaped roof, so as to provide a leisure playground for villagers and tourists to have a rest, enjoy the scenery and taste tea.
▼茶廊外观,从木栈道中开辟入口,用八榀竹屋架撑起弧形的屋顶,exterior view of the tea lounge, opening an entrance from the wooden plank road, and using eight bamboo roof trusses to support the arc-shaped roof ©叶子超
▼爆炸轴测图及人流动线分析,exploded axon with streamline analysis ©王小艺
The site is narrow and long, only more than 100 square meters. We adopt platform to go up according to the terrain. At the same time, with the platform area separated by different functions, the arc roof also rises slightly.
▼茶廊与原有栈道的衔接,adapting to the wooden road ©孙源
Three platforms, eight bamboo roof trusses and one arc roof construct a bamboo corridor that can be shared by villagers and tourists. The south end of the bamboo roof truss is fixed by the rubble low wall, and the north side is the umbrella shaped beam column standing on the foundation. The bamboo umbrella cornice defines the shallow space under the cornice. Three leisure platforms with different elevations, different width and width, tight and tight, supplemented by step connection, constitute a space with quiet rhythm and level change. The roof rises with the terrace, and the sky light through the dense roof structure leaves a faint and graceful light and shadow.
▼茶廊内部视角,三个标高各异的休闲平台以台阶联通,interior view, three leisure platforms with different elevations are supplemented by step connection ©叶子超
▼茶廊内部视角,竹屋架的南端由毛石矮墙固定,北侧为伞状束柱立于地基上,interior view, the south end of the bamboo roof truss is fixed by the rubble low wall, and the north side is the umbrella shaped beam column standing on the foundation ©叶子超
▼竹伞挑檐界定出浅浅的檐下空间,the bamboo umbrella cornice defines the shallow space under the cornice ©凌霄阳
▼茶廊面向建筑打开,the tea lounge opens to the original building ©孙源
▼茶廊夜景,night view of the tea lounge ©孙源
小组成员:孙源、陈健胜、苏亮、叶子超、许筱婉、陈佳楣 、周安宇、王小艺、朱义迪、陈方圆
材料:直径6厘米 竹