

The South Morang Rail Extension provides improved access to public transport services for Melbourne’s northern communities. The creation of two new stations and the relocation and modernisation of a third lie at the heart of this project, with all three forming key nodal points in a longer-term urban focus.
▼车站入口,the entrance
▼车站内有着多个不同形式的檐篷结构,the station has a number of different forms of canopy structure
Each of the stations is clearly identifiable as three parts of a greater vision linking current and future activities. Their canopies operate as sculptural forms at a civic scale, folding and unfolding in response to site and functional contexts, while providing visual orientation via angled geometrical forms.
▼折角形状的檐篷为乘客提供了荫蔽,the angled canopy provides shade for passengers
▼檐篷底下是售票窗口和入口大厅,under the canopy are the ticket Windows and the entrance hall
The design provides a sense of place for each of the stations, reflecting how users might engage with them. Form and materials speak of a robust and safe civic environment offering a warmth and scale suitable for community-focused public use. The stations are designed as catalysts for future renewal, including larger scale mixed-use developments and fine-grain projects harmonizing with the station plazas. These high-quality public spaces harness the vitality of public transport and interchange while providing venues for social exchange. Each was carefully devised to enhance local movement and provide legibility, linkage and activation to the existing urban form.
▼站台的形式和材料体现了稳健和安全的城市环境,the form and materials of the platform reflect the robust and safe urban environment
▼站台拥有适合社区公共使用的舒适规模,the platform has a comfortable scale for public use in the community
Method of façade has evolved into a more 3 dimensional exercise where ground, wall and roof plane become one skin. Steel panels, robust and maintainable, optimize their flexible nature in form-making whilst timber provides a soffit of warmth and welcome.
▼檐篷内部的木材则凸显了环境的温馨,the wood inside the canopy accentuates the warmth of the environmen
Recognizable language of Civic markers with a consistent identity is achieved in one move of the folded facade plane. Origami method of folded form creates inherent structural efficiencies, providing light weight structure, covering public space and platforms without imposing structure in pedestrian and rail corridors, still achieving dynamic built form.
▼夜幕下的车站,the station under night
▼车站内的带檐篷天桥,an overpass with canopies in the station
▼折叠式的立面平面为所有车站提供了统一的身份特征, a consistent identity is achieved in one move of the folded facade plane
▼选址平面,site plan
Project size:32000 sq.m.
Project Budget:$650000000
Completion date:2012
Project team:Cox Architecture