
2019/09/23 18:12:30
改变与传承 | Transfiguring Tradition
Set within the proximity of the Tin Hau and Tam Kung local temples, the Eastern District was once a fishing village rich in traditional culture. The Goddess Tin Hau, the deity of the temple, protects the locals against the raging sea, and the counterpart deity Tam Kung would protect the locals from the epidemics. Despite the rapid urbanization in the district, the colourful culture continues to thrive. On the birthday of the deity, the locals celebrate the thanksgiving occasion with colourful parades, dragon dances, lion dances and the performance of traditional operas. Located adjacent to the Temples, the District Cultural Square provides a perfect venue for these theatrical/ cultural events.
▼装置外观,exterior view
戏剧文化与传统 | The Theatre Culture and the Continuity
The headdress of the actress, symbolizes the cultural emblem of the collective subconscious of the locals. The design of the main stage mimics the form of the headdress as the key component of the local opera. The form further elaborates with the Chinese traditional auspicious symbols, the fins of dragon with contemporary materials. The colour of the stage reciprocates the Chinese red (Zhusa, the colour of fortune) and grey colour of the headdress, embodying the crowning elements of the icon. The continuity of the tradition, reflects the vitality of the local culture, is in sync with the dynamics nature of the activities taking place in the Cultural Square.
▼主舞台设计以模仿粤剧传统头饰为主要概念,the design of the main stage mimics the form of the headdress as the key component of the local opera
技术与手段 | Effectiveness through Technology
The major challenge is to design an effective stage shelter in a dense urbanization context. The quadrant sphere shape structure with opening facing the harbor captivates the harbor view while minimizes nuisance to the Noise Sensitive Receivers nearest at 50m away. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is used to run sound simulations to ascertain the optimal design for visual and sound enhancement. The acoustic cladding system in shelter acts as a sound barrier and the use of standardised component enhances constructability thereby reduces cost and time.
▼舞台的球形结构有四分之一面向海港敞开,the quadrant sphere shape structure with opening facing the harbor
▼舞台顶部标准化组件,View of top of Main Stage
创新和可持续性 | Innovation and sustainability
It is a pioneer project in Hong Kong by adopting the Automatic Sound Control System. Signals from amplifiers and sound monitor receivers are sent to sound limiter which automatically drops the sound output to ensure the noise level is within an acceptable range while ensuring the quality of the sound would not be compromised. It allows precise and prompt response comparing to traditional manual sound control.
▼广场另一端向上伸展的亭子,the stretch-out pavilion on the Square
城市设计与社区更新 | Revitalization and Urban Design
▼谭公诞庆典,Tam Kung Festival Celebration
▼传统戏剧表演,Chinese Opera Performance at the Main Stage
The site was once an isolated waterfront area adjacent the Tam Kung Temple. It is inaccessible, sterile and inactive with low public patronage. The District Cultural Square enhances the permeability and connectivity of the area under the urban design perspective. It destines to be a popular venue for all walks of life including principal local events like Deities’ Birthday celebrations and Dragon dance as well as wide range of initiatives such as popstar concert, Chinese opera, school events and carnival. In doing so, the District Cultural Square revitalizes and activates the harbourfront and the surroundings and transforming into a vibrant harbourfront by the introduction of the public domain through Transfiguring Tradition.
▼通向广场的花架,trellis to District Cultural Square
▼区位分析图,site diagram
▼场地平面,site plan
Design year & Completion Year Design Year: 2014
Completion Year: 2018
Leader designer & Team: Thomas WAN (Chief Architect); LAU Tat-ying (Senior Architect); Peter MOK (Senior Architect); Helen WONG (Architect); Dodo LAU (Architectural Assistant)
Project location: Tam Kung Temple Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
Construction Floor Area: 740 sqm
Site Area: 4,750 sqm
Photo credits: Image 28
Clients: Home Affairs Department, Hong Kong
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