Local identity meets global thinking. The industry-leading ropeway technology company Doppelmayr has always been based in Wolfurt, Vorarlberg. This is its home base. From here, it operates worldwide. It is precisely those parameters that informed the design of the new corporate headquarters.
▼项目概览,project overview©Hertha Hurnaus
为打造Hohe Brücke商业园区的地标建筑,该项目需要将原先位于Rickenbach社区中的旧总部移动到位于莱茵河谷平原上的一个新城区。新总部大楼于2017年完工,由横向排列的独立体量构成。尽管这些建筑在高度和尺寸上各有不同,却共同呈现为一个独特而瞩目的整体。
▼设计示意图,design diagram
For the landmark building in the Hohe Brücke business park, the goal was to transfer the regional rootedness of the company, embedded originally in the village-like structures of the town’s Rickenbach neighborhood, to its new location—a reinterpretation of an urban design situation which, from now on, situates the company in the plain of the Rhine valley. Completed in 2017 and articulated as an array of individual volumes, the complex with its distinctive silhouette presents itself, despite varying building heights and sizes, as an expressive architectural whole.
▼新总部由横向排列的独立体量构成,the complex was articulated as an array of individual volumes©Marc Lins
▼建筑外观,exterior view©Hertha Hurnaus
▼屋顶平台,roof terrace©Hertha Hurnaus
▼开放空间,open space©Hertha Hurnaus
▼核心走廊,backbone corridor
Lined up along a spacious backbone corridor, which also accommodates all community areas, are the variably sized office areas of the individual building segments. In the open circulation zone with its inward, outward, and through views, communication, exchange, and collaboration are in the foreground.
大厅,lobby©Hertha Hurnaus
大厅接待区,reception area©Hertha Hurnaus
交通空间,circulation©Hertha Hurnaus
公共区域,communal area©Hertha Hurnaus
▼中庭楼梯,stair in the atrium©Hertha Hurnaus
▼开放的交通空间带来了内外双向的通透视野,the open circulation zone brings inward, outward, and through views©Hertha Hurnaus
At the same time, the adjoining offices provide room for focused and undisturbed work. Through the interaction of these correlative factors, the building demonstrates qualities like precision, innovation, and advanced technology. In line with the company’s corporate values, it places the needs of employees in the center. In brief, village-like structures for global activity.
办公区域,office area©Hertha Hurnaus
▼高度连通的空间,aninterconnected space for working and communicating ©Marc Lins
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
▼剖面图1,section 1
Architects: AllesWirdGutProject Stages: 1–5, 7
Client: Doppelmayr Immobilien GmbH
Invited competition: August 2013 – 1st Prize
Completion: 05.2017GBA: 28,900 m²
Team: Dennis Assaf, Magdalena Drach, Philipp Feldbacher, Florian Gottler, Olaf Härtel, Thomas Hold, Simona Masárová, Alexander Mayer, András Nagy, Simon Höbel, Jörg Spraider, Kai Sommer, Johannes Windbichler, Ivana Valekova
Services and facilities planning
Building physics: Spektrum GmbH, Dornbirn
Fire protection: K&M Brandschutztechnik GmbH, Lochau
Dynamic thermal simulation: Büro für Technische Physik Christoph Muss, Vienna
Electrical planning engineering: IHM-Elektrotechnik, Hörbranz
Facade and roofing planning: gbd Projects ZT GmbH, Dornbirn
Geotechnics: BGG Consult GmbH, Hohenems
Building services engineering: GM Ingenieure, Dornbirn
Landscaping: Gruber & Haumer, Bürs
Site supervision and construction coordination: BM Michael Hassler, Dornbirn
Project management: ZIMA Holding AG, Dornbirn, M.O.O.CON GmbH, Vienna
Structural engineering: Mader | Flatz ZT GmbH, Götzis
Water and environmental engineering: Ingenieurbüro Landa GmbH, Dornbirn
Photos: Hertha Hurnaus, Marc Lins
Visualization: expressiv
Model building: mattweiss