In a city known as Jiankang, there is a space theater holding a banquet for the host to interact with guests and friends.
A new work created by the interior design and filmmakers to memorize the Southern Dynasty in ancient China.
▼燕几就坐方式的雅集空间,an elegant space sitting in a traditional way
This case is located at Xi Jia Da Tang, and the dining site happens to be located at the site of ancient imperial palace of the Southern Industry, bordering Xuanwu Lake on the north, facing the North Pavilion in the south, adjacent to Gutai City in the west and Jiming Temple (formerly known as Tongtai Temple in the Southern Dynasty) in the east. Thus, it is known as S480 Dining Villa (which means: four hundred and eighty temples), as citied from Du Mu’s poem “Spring South of the Yangtze River”: How many of the more than four hundred and eighty temples left behind in the Southern Dynasty in the misty rain?
▼一层大厅,the hall at first floor
英文名称 S480 Dining Villa,鉴于南朝横亘公元420—589年。S 系英文缩写之双关,即可解为south,隐含南朝之南。亦可解为since480 ,始于南朝之时。
Its English name is S480 Dining Villa because the Southern Dynasty is from 420 BC to 589 BC. S, which is the pun of the English abbreviation, means south and also southern in the Southern Dynasty. And it can also be interpreted as since 480, i.e., since the Southern Dynasty.
▼大厅等候休息区,waiting area at the hall
文人空间,内不可少地结合着“儒、释、道”三家的精神指向。对山水形色与世俗生活的追求。 永嘉南渡,江左名士对自然的乐天与他们的心境的达官合而为一,山水以形媚道而令仁者乐,士人多以描写山水景物来抒发玄理,就集中体现了他们以佛教的观点对现实的声色生活作出的反省与思考。
The literati space inevitably reflects the spiritual orientation of “Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism” as well as the pursuit for beautiful scenery and a secular life. After a lot of northern people moved to the south during the Yongjia period, a lot of them became literatus and their inborn positive mind was combined with the beautiful scenery south of the Yangtze River. Most of them describe the landscape to express their thoughts about life, which reflected their reflection on the real life from the perspective of Buddhism.
一侧入口及在空间之中穿梭,entrance on one side and walking through the space
Public Space
The beauty of the Southern Dynasty is delicate, hidden in the pureness behind the mottled and the freshness of youth. Discovering the beauty of the Southern Dynasties is actually seeking how a city shapes a person and exploring how a person changes a city.
一层平面图,first floor plan
▼壁炉空间一角,space near the fireplace
The public space combined both the ancient and contemporary art and life, reflecting the designer’s literary accomplishment. The design revolves around the story of the literati’s collection, showing the beauty of life at that time; and while reflecting the ancient memory, the design is also rewriting a new story of contemporary spiritual life.
▼二层平面图,second floor plan
▼二层走廊,second floor corridor
▼三层榻榻米区域,tatami area on the third floor
Inclusive Space
包间“约”内透光方式-包间借八友雅号,舍姓取名,单字从简,light through the Yue Romm-the gracious names of the eight literatus were used at the inclusive space
二层包间内采用黑色暗纹哑光木饰面,the black dark matte wood veneer lining is used in the private dinning rooms
S480 Dining Villa is a platform bearing the glorious past years and promising future days, displaying all moving plots orderly and displaying all the poetic and wonderful scenes. This mobile feast of urban civilization belongs to Jiankang and Nanjing. And it belongs to S480 Dining Villa and the people who have created the era.
▼三层平面图,third floor plan
▼诗意的空间,poetic space
包间细节,detail of the private dinning room
项目设计 & 完成年份:2018.08&2019.04
Project Name: S480 Dining Villa
Interior Design: HFD Design Institute
Main Designer: Wang Hongfeng/ Matthew
Participating Designers: Li Panfei, Ding Yun, Tao Lan, Zhang Qianqian
Brand Planner: Yang Jin
Music Producer: DodiJackson (South Africa)Lighting Designer: Weiguang Lighting
Text by: Yang Jin
Project Photographer: Lu Haha
Use of materials:Wood veneer、Marble、copper、coating
Project Location: Xi Jia Da Tang, Xuanwu District, Nanjing
Project Area: 800 m2