

Appreciation towards Scope Design for providing the following description:
Starting with the goal of photographing in playing joyfully, which is advocated by Sugar Photography, we implant the concept of love and care for children into the design of interior space and exhibition, in the hope of helping users explore the whole space with a relaxed attitude.
There is a colorful world in the dream of every person. In this project, our design team will create a dreamy and fairytale space with soft and elegant colors to take you on a fantastic journey.
The project is located in the West Tower of Powerlong One Mall, Xiamen, a beautiful coastal city, covering an area of 600 square meters. The design of this case is to serve for children photography. Children are the first protagonists. As the visual subject of design planning, we hope to bring a beautiful world into the reality of children. This is not only what Sugar Photography hopes to but also what we want to express from the perspective of design. Thanks to the cooperation of the project provider, the work can be finally presented.
接待大厅,设置粉嫩渐变色的马卡龙饼干样式前台,the reception hall with themacaroon biscuit style front desk in the pink and delicate gradients
接待大厅 | Reception Hall
接待大厅,灵感来源于牛奶所碰撞的流体设计,整个空间呈现牛奶的质感。马卡龙饼干样式前台,随意堆叠的设计 ,瞬间抓住你的眼球,粉嫩的渐变色,一圈圈,融进心里,在每个孩子心中都留存下美好。从童话到童画,设计师通过儿童的手绘图案,演化成天花吊灯的原型,太阳、云朵、彩虹,还有童年的纸飞机……
▼接待大厅的设计灵感来源于牛奶碰撞的流体设计,the design of reception hall is inspired by the fluid made by milk collision
The design of reception hall is inspired by the fluid made by milk collision, so the entire space shows the texture of the milk. The macaroon biscuit style front desk designed with random stacking will instantly catches your eyes. Pink and delicate gradients can blend into children’s hearts round and round and leave beautiful impression in their minds. From fairy tales to children’s paintings, the designer has evolved the hand-painted patterns of children into the prototype of ceiling chandeliers, like the sun, clouds, rainbows, and paper planes played in childhood…
partial interior view of the reception hall,the sun, clouds, rainbows, and paper planes played in childhood are involvedinto the prototype of ceiling chandeliers
In order to show the best results, after testing the chandelier with different materials and effects, the designer chose to combine transparent acrylic with LED light trips in the end. All these simple graphic elements in life are presented in a dreamlike way, which reveals the designer’s imagination of the world in children’s dreams. In childhood memories, have you ever wanted to pick a white cloud? was there a giraffe heading out to play with you? Now the designer shows a dreamy childlike photography paradise with clear sky, white clouds and lovely wooden horses through milk-like fluid space design.
▼接待大厅局部,设置透明亚克力结合LED灯带,partial interior view of the reception hall with the transparent acrylic with LED light trips
选片 & 游乐区 | Photographic Selection & Children’s Play Area
The designer hopes to create an experience space to inspire the imagination and curiosity of people, which can not only make children enjoy but balance sales atmosphere. In this space, the main function is to be convenient for adult to negotiate while the two-way spatial vision will relieve both the parents in conversation and the children in playing from worries.
▼选片兼接待区,孩子的游乐区和家长的洽谈区具有双向的空间视野,the photographic selection and reception area, the children’s play area and parents’ conversation area makea two-way spatial vision
Through the choice and color matching of furniture, every detail shows soft and comfortable, as well as simple but fun. The design of avoiding collision and sharp corners more considers the safety of children in the space, so that parents will be able to negotiate at ease while children are enjoying playing. In this way, Sugar Photography’s concept of “surrounded by Love” can be realized and the emotional resonance of visitor can be strengthened.
partial interior view of the photographic selection and reception area, the design of avoiding collision and sharp corners more considers the safety of children in the space
▼选片兼接待区局部,设置唯美的3D星空吊顶以及铜和水磨石月亮图案地板,partial interior view of the photographic selection and reception area with a beautiful 3D star sky ceiling and copper and terrazzo moon pattern floors
▼选片区的家长洽谈区局部,partial view of the parents’ conversation area in the photographic selection and reception area
创意长廊 & 等待区 | Creative Corridor-Waiting Area
▼过道区灵感来源于儿时的吹泡泡游戏,the design of corridor area is inspired by the bubblesblown up by children
The smart design of the corridor lies in the visual display of white. While weakening the boundaries of space, it highlights the comparison of accessories, soft decoration and people’s feelings to colors. This kind of blank treatment also gives visitors a different experience.
The yellow bubbles are blown up by child figures. They are floating in the corridor and also blowing into our memories. This is the designer’s nostalgia for childhood, as well as a fairy tale for every person’s childhood.
The creative corridor and waiting area bring playground-like joy, museum-like novelty to visitors and take them to explore the various auras in the children’s world.
▼过道区,使用白色的视觉展现,the corridor area with the visual display of white
▼过道区,黄色光泽的泡泡被儿童造型小人吹起,漂浮长廊半空,the corridor area, the yellow bubbles are blown up by child figures
▼过道区内的休息空间,the seating area in the corridor
卫生间 & 母婴室 | Toiler-Mother And Baby Room
The arc is also an important element of space design, including the door top, acrylic geometric elements and the bathroom mirrors, which are full of fun and association. The choice of hue is focused on fresh and cozy warm colors. The soft and warm yellow lighting extends the warmth and softness of the overall space.
The city is where the need is fulfilled. The space attached to the city is like a complex living system. What designers should think about is to create a meaningful space which can interact with the nature. People can also live poetically in the space in the city. Meanwhile, good memories and emotions can be passed down.
▼男卫生间(左),女卫生间(右),采用弧形元素,色调清新温馨,men restroom (left), women restroom (right), with the arc element in the fresh and cozy warm colors
门面 | Facade
As being defined as “children’s photography base surrounded by love”, the space is decorated with blue door background, grille shape + LED light bars, yellow awning canopies and a pink logo. The various cartoon color system sets the tone of the entire space, which catches the passerby’s eyes and attract them to go into. In order to present a bright and warm space, the large glass floor-to-ceiling windows are chosen to replace the original walls to allow the natural light to enter. The designer hopes to arouse visitor’s imagination by the special design and create a sense of home-like security for every child who goes inside.
▼摄影馆外观夜景,设置大面积的玻璃落地窗,night view of the photography studio, with the large glass floor-to-ceiling windows
▼摄影馆平面布置图,layout of the photography studio
项目地址:福建 · 厦门
Interior Design: Scope Design
Chief designer: Scope creative team
Design team: Scope deepen team
Project address: Xiamen, Fujian
Space category: Commercial space
Design style: Modern style
Project area: 600 square meters