这个26英尺高的云朵状装置位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的Valerie C. Woodard中心的广场上。
A 26 feet cloud-like formation hovers in the plaza of the Valerie C. Woodard Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.
▼展览装置鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the Pillars of Dreams
“梦之柱(Pillars of Dreams)”是一个轻质的地标式展览亭装置;其开放式的空间体量看似是由空气填充而成的,实则是由一个连续的超薄铝制结构表皮围合并支撑起来的。该装置的表皮共有两层,拥有迷宫般的独特形式,在天篷较为宽敞的位置设置一系列开口,并在双曲率表皮的接缝处、或是双曲率表皮分化为九个空心柱的位置逐渐收缩。
▼展览装置构建过程,buildup process of the Pillars of Dreams
Pillars of Dreams is a landmark pavilion and lightweight structure; its open volumes appear to be filled with air, but they are held up by a continuous structural skin in ultra-thin aluminum. A labyrinth of unique parts unfurl across the surface in two layers, which produce openings over the broader expanses of the canopy and contract where the double-curvature meets in seams or resolves into nine hollow columns.
▼展览装置俯视图,采用云朵般的造型,top view of the Pillars of Dreams in a cloud-like formation
▼展览装置远景图,采用双曲率造型的双层表皮,distant view of the Pillars of Dreams with two-layered double-curvature skin
▼展览装置外观,由一个连续的超薄铝制结构表皮围合并支撑,exterior view of the Pillars of Dreams that is held up by a continuous structural skin in ultra-thin aluminum
▼展览装置外观,采用白色外表皮,exterior view of the Pillars of Dreams with a white exterior face
The white exterior face shrouds the saturated coloration on the interior. Openings in the veil suggest the the energy inside, where cross-laminated stripes in a set of bright hues peek out from the interior. From a distance, the structure strikes a soft tone, but the viewer can still register the pulsing glow of the gradient within. It catches the eye from the street, but must be approached to be understood. The intensity of color grows as one nears the pavilion and finally envelopes the viewer upon entry—curiosity rewarded.
▼展览装置外观局部,内部空间的颜色透过白色外表皮上的开口显露出来,exterior view of the Pillars of Dreams, the interior colors peek out from the openings in the white veil
The complex skin generates a dynamic atmosphere in the space below. The atmosphere within, full of color and dappled light, inspires curiosity, collegiality, and a renewed spirit of place. Graphic shadows and projected light patterns lend magic to a casual stroll along its length, a game of tag around staggered legs, or a restful moment seated under the canopy.
▼装置下方空间局部,可以坐在天篷下享受片刻的宁静时光,the space below the complex skin, people can have a restful moment seated under the canopy
▼装置的内部空间,极具动感,interior space of the Pillars of Dreams in a dynamic atmosphere
▼装置的内部空间,色彩丰富,interior space of the Pillars of Dreams that is full of color
▼装置的内部空间,可以在柱子处捉迷藏,interior space of the Pillars of Dreams, providing a game of tag space around staggered legs
▼装置的内部空间,阳光创造出迷人的光影效果,interior space of the Pillars of Dreams, sunlight creates a light and shadow effect through the skin
▼装置内表皮细节,details of the inner skin of Pillars of Dreams
▼展览装置夜景,night view
▼装置内部夜景,night view of the interior space
Dimensions: 26.5’ H x 23’ W x 43’ D
Material: two layers of 3mm aluminum
Linear Cut Distance: 11,000 meters
Number of Parts: 3,564
Number of Rivets: 54,000
Photography by NAARO